Malta Independent

Adrian Delia sworn in as Opposition Leader


Nationalis­t Party leader Adrian Delia was sworn in as Opposition Leader yesterday evening by President Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca.

After the swearing in ceremony, Delia said that, had he been Prime Minister today, he would take strong and necessary measures to ensure that the illegal hunting of protected birds no longer took place, however, refrained from specifical­ly saying that he would have closed the hunting season.

He did insist that he did not like blaming the actions of few on the many.

Answering a question by The Malta Independen­t, after he had been sworn in as Opposition Leader yesterday evening by President Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca, Delia also acknowledg­ed that there remained serious issues with enforcemen­t on the issue, after another three protected birds were shot, one of which landed in St Edward’s College.

The last time a shot protected bird fell in the same school in April 2015, the Prime Minister had closed the hunting season.

The Opposition Leader also faced questions concerning the recent debate regarding the PN’s motion to amend a legal notice issued last May that provides vacation leave to infertile and homosexual couples to pursue procreativ­e procedures abroad.

He said that the government has agreed with the proposed amendments, stressing that the legal notice infringes on definition­s establishe­d in the ‘Embryo Protection Act’.

“If we created legislatio­n that protects the embryo, I feel we should respect it.”

Delia, who arrived almost 45 minutes late to his own swearingin, thanked his family and his supporters inside and outside of the party structure who helped him along his journey.

A majority of MPs from the PN Parliament­ary Group were at the ceremony including outgoing Deputy Leaders Mario de Marco and Beppe Fenech Adami; along with outgoing Secretary General Rosette Thake.

However, noticeably absent from the ceremony was Delia’s predecesso­r, Simon Busuttil, and his opponent in the leadership race, Chris Said. Jason Azzopardi and Karol Aquilina, who are both outspoken critics of Delia, also did not attend.

On Thursday, new PN leader Adrian Delia had been sworn in as a Member of Parliament, taking up the seat vacated the day before by Peter Micallef. Delia became an MP through the co-option process.

This triggered a casual election, which was held on Tuesday, and which saw Peter Micallef win Debono’s seat.

Five other PN candidates contested the election, as did one PD politician.

Delia said that his role as Leader of the Opposition meant that it was his duty to represent the minorities that are not represente­d in government.

On Thursday, new PN leader Adrian Delia was sworn in as a Member of Parliament, taking up the seat vacated the day before by Peter Micallef. Delia became an MP through the co-option process.

After his election as PN Leader, Delia needed to find a way into Parliament. A number of MPs had declared that they would not give up their seat, until Jean Pierre Debono, a strong supporter of the new PN leader, offered up his seat.

This triggered a casual election, which was held on Tuesday, and which saw Peter Micallef win Debono’s seat. Five other PN candidates contested the election, as did one PD politician.

Peter Micallef was sworn in as MP on Wednesday but resigned his seat shortly afterwards, paving the way for a similar ceremony to take place the following day.

 ?? Photo: Baskal Mallia ??
Photo: Baskal Mallia

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