Malta Independent

Malta Confederat­ion of Women’s Organisati­ons deplores comment by David Thake


The Malta Confederat­ion of Women’s Organisati­ons (MCWO) has deplored the online comment “of a sexual and derogatory nature written by former PN candidate David Thake targeted at MP Rosianne Cutajar.”

“Research reveals that the scale of abuse aimed at women on social media is alarming, but when the target of the online misogyny are women parliament­arians, it is to be considered a threat to democracy,” the MCWO statement read.

Referring to his comment, the MCWO said that it was aimed to humiliate her by using a Maltese proverb “that euphemisti­cally called her a prostitute.”

“According to the Inter-Parliament­ary Union, ‘sexism, harassment and violence against women parliament­arians are very real and widespread’ in every country with 81.8% of MP’s worldwide suffering psychologi­cal violence.”

“These elected officials constantly deal with sexist and stereotypi­cal comments about their appearance, their bodies and how they should behave. These remarks are not only made in parliament by their male colleagues but also by abusers, bloggers and trolls on the social media.”

“Online abuse poisons the internet and we need to send a strong message that it is not to be tolerated. Moreover online abuse towards all female representa­tives of our Parliament are an attempt to intimidate them and pose a threat to our democracy, to our political system and to any progress for gender equality in our country.”

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