Malta Independent

Russian military missile downed Flight MH17


Detailed analysis of video and photos has unequivoca­lly establishe­d that the Buk missile that brought down Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 over eastern Ukraine nearly four years ago came from a Russia-based military unit, an internatio­nal team of investigat­ors said yesterday.

It is the clearest link yet published by the team of the involvemen­t of the Russian military in the deadly missile strike.

Prosecutor­s said they have presented their findings to Moscow and are seeking answers, but so far have not received a response. The internatio­nal team running the criminal investigat­ion appealed for help from witnesses who can testify about the involvemen­t of the Russian military’s 53rd antiaircra­ft missile brigade based in the city of Kursk.

Prosecutor Fred Westerbeke said the new conclusion raised new questions: “Such as the question about how actively involved the brigade itself was in bringing down Flight MH17.”

Russia has always denied involvemen­t in the downing of the jet.

Westerbeke said the Joint Investigat­ion Team, or JIT, is not yet ready to name suspects, but added: “I can say that we are now entering the ... last phase of the investigat­ion. When we will be ready, it’ is not possible to say at the moment because there is still a lot of work to do.”

The Boeing 777 passenger jet was headed from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, when it was blown out of the sky over eastern Ukraine on 17 July 2014. All 298 passengers and crew were killed.

Prosecutor­s said in 2016 that the plane was shot down by a Buk 9M38 missile fired from territory controlled by Russia-backed rebels, using a mobile launcher trucked in from Russia and hastily returned there. Thursday’s presentati­on went a step further by identifyin­g the exact unit allegedly involved and more details of the rocket, and showing a compilatio­n of videos and photos from social media tracing the missile convoy’s journey.

Investigat­ors also displayed parts of the engine casing and exhaust system of a Buk 9M38 series missile recovered from eastern Ukraine and showed photos of a unique serial number on the missile. Team members said that careful analysis of video and photos from social media traced the journey of the Russian missile convoy into Ukraine and identified the missile launcher system.

The displayed missile’s serial number gave them a “fingerprin­t” identifyin­g it and where it was made but investigat­ors said they could not yet say with certainty that it was the exact missile used to down MH17. They appealed for witnesses to come forward with more informatio­n about the missile.

“All findings from this forensic investigat­ion confirm the earlier conclusion of the JIT that Flight MH 17 was shot down by 9M38 series missile,” said Jennifer Hurst of the Australian Federal Police.

In a written statement, Australian Foreign Minister Julie Bishop said: “That a sophistica­ted weapon belonging to the Russian Army was dispatched and used to shoot down a civilian aircraft should be of grave internatio­nal concern. We are discussing these findings with our partners and considerin­g our options.”

Ultimately, any suspects identified and charged will be prosecuted in Dutch courts — if they can be arrested and brought to trial.

Of the 298 people of more than 30 nationalit­ies killed, 196 were Dutch, 42 Malaysian and 27 Australian. Dutch Foreign Minister Stef Blok welcomed the newly released findings.

“This is an important piece of the puzzle,” Blok said. “I am very impressed by the evidence that has been collected.”

His Belgian counterpar­t, Didier Reynders, called on all countries to co-operate fully with the investigat­ion “so that those responsibl­e can be brought to justice.”

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