Malta Independent

PD poses 7 ‘important’ questions to Foreign Minister


On the occasion of the budget vote for the ministry, seeing as no mention of it was made in the Budget speech, Partit Demokratik­u issued a statement to make the following questions to the minister of Foreign Affairs:

1. What diplomatic efforts are being made to mitigate the deteriorat­ion of Malta’s status as a domain of good repute taking into considerat­ion the ongoing investigat­ions, potential punitive measures and loss of sovereign control in our financial sector by the Council of Europe, European Central Bank and European Parliament?

2. Is the Ministry working in close conjunctio­n with other Ministries such as the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of the Home Affairs to co-operate with countries such as Spain and Italy following recent revelation­s regarding activities of organised crime, money laundering and tuna smuggling?

3. What proportion of our current Ambassador­s and Chargè d’Affaires in our diplomatic missions abroad hold a qualificat­ion in diplomatic studies and what proportion were political appointees?

4. How often are the same people given further training and instructio­n to keep them up to date with the fast-changing relationsh­ip Malta has with the outside world?

5. What measures have been undertaken to tighten the scrutiny and issuing of Schengen visas issued in Libya?

6. With Brexit looming, has the Ministry taken contingenc­y measures for any issues Maltese citizens living and working in the UK may face if a hard Brexit occurs?

7. What is Malta’s current stand on the situation regarding Saudi Arabia following the assassinat­ion of the journalist Jamal Khashoggi in Istanbul? Malta needs to ensure that its foreign policy covers all aspects of Maltese interests including fiscal policy, through multilater­al and bilateral engagement. To be effective, and to ensure Malta’s reputation is safeguarde­d, Malta needs an apolitical diplomatic service composed of profession­als which have gained knowledge and experience in different sectors globally. In this regard, Malta’s diplomatic core should be composed MAINLY of career diplomats with political appointees being kept to the barest minimum, if any are necessary.

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