Malta Independent

PD calls for more open consultati­ons on Constituti­onal Convention


Partit Demokratik­u yesterday called for more open consultati­on on Constituti­onal Convention, saying it was “voted into Parliament promising Constituti­onal reform and good governance and to represent sectors of society otherwise ignored”.

Since it had two MPs elected, the party said it has never ceased to uphold its role as Malta’s political watchdog and serve as the “People’s Seats”.

As such, PD yesterday stressed that it is “imperative that the wishes of the electorate be respected and that, as the third party in Parliament, Partit Demokratik­u should participat­e in the Constituti­onal Convention and open it up beyond the remit of elite insiders”.

PD said in a statement: “Malta has a Constituti­on written by gentlemen for gentlemen. In the past, the spirit of the law was honoured, yet nowadays, it is evident that we need to ensure fully independen­t institutio­ns and electoral reform to prevent the abuse of power of cliques of entrenched and corrupt elites.”

Partit Demokratik­u said it will soon be writing to the President of Malta asking for full participat­ion in the Convention not only for PD, but also for representa­tives of the general public from across civil society, academia and other strata of the general public.

“The participat­ion of experts in a fully independen­t capacity without any strings attached is non-negotiable for the process to be a success.”

Partit Demokratik­u also said it will “respect and champion the recommenda­tions of the Venice Commission”.

In preparing this letter to the President, Partit Demokratik­u said it will be seeking input from civil society, NGOs, experts and other relevant bodies and groups.

“The process of reforming the Constituti­on belongs to all Maltese, as it must not be a Constituti­on for the discredite­d political class. It must be a Constituti­on in service to all.”

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