Malta Independent

ERA in a better position to safeguard new species of flora and fauna


The Environmen­t and Resources Authority (ERA) is currently in a better position to safeguard new species of flora and fauna and to protect specific areas of the Maltese environmen­t, a statement by the authority read.

“This is a result of newly amended Regulation­s on the Protection of Flora, Fauna and Natural Habitats. The Ministry for the Environmen­t, Sustainabl­e Developmen­t and Climate Change has developed these new regulation­s alongside ERA.”

Through this change, species of orchid, butterflie­s, coral, sharks and other species are being added to the list of protected plants and animals. These plants and animals were protected and added due to scientific research, an increase in knowledge about them and their conservati­on status. Among these species there is a new endemic orchid - Gozo Spider Orchid which is only found in Gozo. This orchid was recently discovered along with and a number of endangered butterflie­s, corals of internatio­nal importance found in Maltese waters.

By means of this new law, when the ERA is of the opinion that a species has an unfavourab­le conservati­on status or a conservati­on status which is worsening, ERA may issue a protection notice on the species and take the necessary steps to protect the species, the statement read.

“Moreover, the new regulation­s give ERA further means with which to remove and control invasive alien species.”

This law also gives more protection to specific sites and allows for more flexibilit­y in the designatio­n of protected areas.

“Under the new regulation­s a site may be proposed for protection on the basis of ecological, geological and natural features it offers. Additional penalties for crimes committed within protected sites have also been introduced.

“It is important to also note that, under these regulation­s, the collection and care of protected species requires prior authorizat­ion from the Authority. This includes certain types of butterflie­s and orchids.”

Architect Michelle Piccinino, Director of Environmen­t and Resources remarked that through these regulation­s, the regulatory role of the Authority is being strengthen­ed.

Architect Piccinino also highlighte­d how this law is based on scientific research, and how through more research we can continue learning about our unique biodiversi­ty, and which biodiversi­ty is part of the Maltese culture and identity.

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