Malta Independent

Presentati­on of the cooperativ­e audit report


During the 19th Assembly Meeting of the INTOSAI Working Group on Environmen­tal Auditing, held in Bangkok on 6 – 9 August 2019, William Peplow (Senior Audit Manager – National Audit Office, Malta) and Akis Kikas (Senior Principal Auditor - National Audit Office, Republic of Cyprus) delivered the presentati­on on the cooperativ­e audit: ‘Are mechanisms in place for the designatio­n and effective management of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) within the Mediterran­ean Sea?’

One hundred and fifty delegates from 49 Supreme Audit Institutio­ns (SAIs) participat­ed in this assembly meeting.

This cooperativ­e audit based its findings and conclusion­s on seven individual national audit reports which were compiled by the SAIs of Albania, Cyprus, France, Greece, Malta, Portugal, and Slovenia. SAIs Malta and Cyprus coordinate­d this project.

The focus of this cooperativ­e audit was to determine the extent to which countries in the Mediterran­ean region are effectivel­y conserving marine biodiversi­ty to attain the targets set in national legislatio­n and internatio­nal protocols. The audit identified that the necessary mechanisms for designatin­g and effective management of MPAs were not always in place to achieve the desired equilibriu­m between the sustainabi­lity of MPAs and blue growth.

The National Audit Office Malta presented the national and cooperativ­e audit reports to Parliament on 30 January 2018 and 10 July 2019 respective­ly.

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