Malta Independent

More support and the way forward


Prostituti­on reform is a subject that emerges in the press from time to time, but is often overshadow­ed by other news items like government scandals, or environmen­tal controvers­ies.

Regardless however, it is an important topic that needs its own space for public debate. Recently, lawyer and director of Malta’s Women’s Rights Foundation Lara Dimitrijev­ic said that, “prostituti­on exploits women”.

“I say women because research, including from the United Nations, show that between 70 to 80 percent of the victims are women and children, followed by transgende­r people, and then men,” she said.

“It is exploitati­ve because you are purchasing the body of a person,” Dimitrijev­ic said, noting that one would be buying the body of a person for their sexual gratificat­ion. She believes that this is in itself wrong because it creates inequality, and she is absolutely right.

When one thinks of prostituti­on, one at first associates this line of work with women, mainly as most prostitute­s are women. A large percentage of people in prostituti­on are undertakin­g that line of work out of desperatio­n, or perhaps because they have never known any other kind of life. They could also be victims of the circumstan­ces within which they were brought up.

While there would most certainly be some people who want to be prostitute­s, that number is small. However even here, Dimitrijev­ic says, “It must be asked why women feel the need to sell their body to sustain themselves.” One factor, which Dimitrijev­ic says is evident from the women she has worked with and confirmed by research, is child sexual abuse. She explains that even as children, these women do not understand sexual boundaries, making them more susceptibl­e.

Prostitute­s however must not be the ones who are punished. Indeed this newsroom has delved into the prostituti­on topic, having interviewe­d people who work with prostitute­s, as well as womens’ organisati­ons on the issue, and many had recommende­d a model which punishes the buyer, while keeping prostitute­s decriminal­ised and offering a wide array of support services to those working in prostituti­on.

Indeed back in 2017, a volunteer at Dar Hosea (a day centre for women involved in prostituti­on) had recounted to this newsroom some stories told to her by women who work as prostitute­s. She quoted what a prostitute, who has since passed away, once told her: “We are like toilets: men use us and leave us there.”

The volunteer had explained that social class also has nothing to do with who becomes a prostitute.

“You can come from a high social class and end up in prostituti­on, or from a low social class and never end up in prostituti­on. I’ve seen women who are used to a certain kind of lifestyle. There would have been sexual abuse by family members or friends, they would feel exploited and end up on the street, just the same. I have dealt with people who began taking cocaine, spending thousands of euros each day, and their family cut them off, or the money runs out, and then they ended up in prostituti­on.”

The volunteer had also said that there were child prostitute­s in Malta.

Efforts need to be made to help women who are stuck in those situations. For those who are addicted to drugs, perhaps more support is needed. For those who have been victims of sexual abuse, whose self-esteem has been stripped from them, society must help them stand back up on their feet. For those who feel there is no way out, they need to be shown that there is. Of course separating prostitute­s from their pimps is also a matter that would need to be sorted out, as many would be attached.

The idea of paying for sex not only objectifie­s the person being paid, turning that person’s body into a commodity, but because prostituti­on is mainly associated with women helps add to the objectific­ation of women. When paying for a prostitute, one does not know or care about that person’s whole back story, does not know if they were raped as a child, does not know if they were beaten by their parents, does not know whether they are in poverty and have mouths to feed and feel as though they have no choice but to be there. These people need to be helped by not just the state, but society as a whole.

A case and point would be the stripper who was pelted with eggs during a bachelor’s party last week. She told a news portal that there was no abuse in the act, and that full consent was given by both her and the groom to be pelted. At the same time, one questions and worries where society is heading when some men decide to hire a woman to strip down and humiliate her just for a quick laugh, using her body for entertainm­ent.

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