Malta Independent

No plan, no reaction, no hope


I am sure that the apologists would go about feeling queasy because the ‘Church’ does a lot of good, and mind you I confirm that. Of course it does.

In Malta, the symbols, the niches, the chapels and the massive church structures are there for all to see.

Prof Andrew Azzopardi Dean Faculty for Social Wellbeing, University of Malta & Broadcaste­r – Għandi xi Ngħid www.andrewazzo­ H owever, if I get my research well, the word “Church” derives from the Greek ‘ekklesia’ meaning “an assembly”. So more than anything else the ‘Church’ is, or rather should be, an experience that is embedded in the community therefore sharingthe experience­s by a body of believers.

We know as a fact that so many are disconnect­ing from Mass attendance andeven fewer are involved in the Parish - statistics andguilele­ss observatio­ns will surface this immediatel­y. To add to that, the Church that was so strong in the social sectorhas chosen to ‘sell’ its ethos and all that defined it over the centuries, to the State. It is calling it Private-Public-Partnershi­p but really and truly it is an exercise in uncoupling from its ‘core business’. In the process the Church is giving up its main resources, namely its agenda, its message and itsmilepos­t. The Catholic Church in Malta seems to be more interested in hanging on to its empty and soulless buildings cum convents, chapels and churchesra­ther than dedicate itself to evangeliza­tion and outreach.

The Church has taken this downward spiral and there doesn’t seem to be anyback-peddling. What appeared to be a fresh way of doing ‘Church’, when Scicluna was appointed Archbishop in 2015, has fizzled into nothing and he now seems to be sounding the surrender horns andis more engrossed with his Vatican City rolethan anything else.The Archbishop ismore focused on conferring Parishes into Basilicas which means nothing to almost anyone and alienating the people who think that a title defines them, their parish and their town – absolutely meaningles­s.

The Church biggies seem to forget that the flock deserve a different type ofgovernan­ce.

The reaction of the Catholic Church in the national agenda is deflated andin short supply. Take away the occasional statement by the Environmen­tal Commission and the positionin­g of a couple of organizati­ons like Caritas and JRS and we are left with absolutely nothing. The Archbishop on the other hand seems to find solace that his voice is being heard when preaching on a lectern during the national day celebratio­ns.

Probably the appointmen­t of Mgr Galea Curmi, as Auxiliary Bishop, was tentativel­y a response to thisbotch, but with hardly any tangible impact so far.

Mind you to a certain point I’m hardly bothered.

Much as I believe that the Church’s social agenda remains important, seculariza­tion was good news for this nation. The unfortunat­e thing is that with so little effort to make things work from those at the top, the

Church narrative in these last years has been taken over by; thechasten­ed Augustinia­n priest who was found guilty of stealing from his own convent; a Clergy man and hiscontemp­tuousness, arrogance, outright debauchery and ‘isms’ that found solace in Xarabank where his ego seemed to bloom; thelewd sermon bya Provost, which sounded anything but an attack on the LGBTQi community; a well-renowned Dominican friar who was found guilty of being intimate in a public place and managed to slip away from other cases of abuse of power by the skin of his teethonly because of lack of evidence; a Parish priest with hisbawdy photo with the PN/PL flags in the foreground to the parish Church statute; a priest’snarcissis­tic entry to his new role as a parish priest riding on the snazzy Porsche coupe and needless to say the priests found guilty of abusing children in a residentia­l home, to name just a few.

I am sure that the apologists would go about feeling queasy because the ‘Church’ does a lot of good, and mind you I confirm that. Of course it does. But life is not a balancing act, where the good outshines the bad. The Church is guilty and sinful of misusing power, is out of touch and unable to connect with the day-to-day lives of ordinary people, lacks intellectu­al stimulatio­n, most of its preachers deliverser­mons of poor quality, provides ill-prepared priests and nuns, uses the laity to fill in the gaps, cold-shoulders women in the organizati­on and isdoctrina­llyunsound.

The local Catholic Church is being kept afloat firstly by the organizati­ons that are creating a Church within a Church, like the Neo-Catechumen­ate and the Charismati­c renewal and secondly by a select group of priests who have evolved into a fad whereby people go specifical­ly to listen to ‘them’.

This is what keeps the Church going.Other than that, I see no hope, no plan and hardly a reaction.

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