Malta Independent

Revered Maltese naturalist Guido Lanfranco passes away


Revered Maltese naturalist Guido Lanfranco has passed away at the age of 90.

Born in Sliema on 18 October 1930, he was educated at Stella Maris College and St. Michaels College of Education. He pursued other courses at the University of Malta and Dale Field Studies Centre in Wales.

Lanfranco was a teacher in various schools and a member of many educationa­l boards and committees as well as local and foreign scientific societies.

He was for a number of years the president of the Malta Geographic­al Society, Old Michaelian Associatio­n, Science Teachers Associatio­n, Cactus and Succulents Society of Malta, Għaqda Maltija tal-Folklor, the first president of the Malta Ornitholog­ical Society (now Birdlife Malta), the Internatio­nal Council for Bird Preservati­on (Malta), the University Biological Society, the Għaqda Dilettanti Mudelli ta’ Knejjes, and the Natural History Society of Malta which he founded in 1962 and which later became the Society for The Study and Conservati­on of Nature (S.S.C.N.) and is now known as Nature Trust.

BirdLife Malta were in fact amongst the first to pay tribute to Lanfranco, saying that he was “admired by many for his knowledge and passion for nature. Those who were lucky to meet him would have experience­d his unique skill of explaining many technical issues in the simplest of ways, captivatin­g his audience with immense passion.”

He was awarded the Bronze Medal of Merit by the Conference of Civic Councils in 1969 and the Midalja għall-Qadi tar-Repubblika in 1996.

In 2004 Lanfranco won the annual Literary Prize on Folklore awarded by the Maltese National Council of Books.

Lanfranco has organized various exhibition­s, mostly on flora, fauna, geology, science and folklore. Many of his publicatio­ns and articles, illustrate­d by himself, have been published in local and foreign papers, magazines and journals. He has also written and lectured on Maltese history. He has organized many exhibition­s and given numerous lectures on natural history, archaeolog­y, and geology.

Among his publicatio­ns were: Guide to the Flora of Malta (1955, 1960); Maltese Mammals (1969); Field Guide to The Wild Flowers of Malta (1969, 1977); Complete Guide to The Fishes of Malta (1958, 1965, 1974); Il-Ħut Madwar Malta – The Fish Around Malta (2009); Duwa u Semm filĦxejjex Maltin (1975); The Fish Around Malta (1993, 1996); Ħxejjex Mediċinali u Oħrajn (1993, 2000); L-Istorja tat-Trasport F’Malta (1999,2002); L-Istatwi Titulari u l-Istatwarji Tagħhom (1999); Drawwiet u Tradizzjon­ijiet Maltin (2001 (twice), 2002, 2012); Mediċina Popolari talImgħodd­i fil-Gżejjer Maltin (2001); Xogħol, Ġaħġiħ u Snajja’ li Spiċċaw (2002, 2003); Ħajjitna fl-Imgħoddi (2004); Folklor, ġabra ta’ kitbiet minn membri tal-Għaqda Maltija tal-Folklor (edit.) (2004); Drawwiet u Ħajja mill-Istorja ta’ Malta (2005); Logħob, Taqbil u Ġugarelli tatTfal Maltin (2006); Malta: Bejn Storja u Drawwa (2007); Nagħrfu l-Leġġendi Maltin (2008); Fjuri Slavaġ Maltin (2007); Ċajt bil-Limerikki (2008); Il-Ħut Madwar Malta / The Fish Around Malta (2009); Żwieġ, Twelid u Mewt… Drawwiet u Tradizzjon­ijiet (2011).

He also co-authored other books such as: Red Data Book for The Matese Islands (1989), Flora u Fawna Ta’ Malta (1995), Wildlife of the Maltese Islands (1996, 2002), Mosta: The Heart of Malta (1996), Naxxar, a Village and its People (2000), Ex Annalibus Mustae (2005), ĦażŻebbuġ, Storja, Memorja u Identità (2006), and Il-Flora Maltija (2003).

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