
Researchin­g loneliness: The relevance of mixed-methods approaches

Jamie Bonnici

- Jamie Bonnici Research Support Officer Faculty for Social Wellbeing


The Faculty for Social Wellbeing recently embarked on a number of initiative­s to explore the phenomenon of loneliness in Malta. Following a conference where the Faculty’s documentar­y, “The Wound of Loneliness” was presented, a nationally representa­tive prevalence study was carried out in order to formally investigat­e the phenomenon. Adopting a mixed-methods approach to researchin­g loneliness is critical, in order to understand both the magnitude of the issue, as well as the personal and contextual factors that are implicated in the experience of loneliness. However, researchin­g such a complex and subjective theme is not without its difficulti­es.

Loneliness has been defined by prominent researcher­s in the area as “a distressin­g feeling that accompanie­s the perception that one’s social needs are not being met by the quantity or especially the quality of one’s social relationsh­ips” (Hawkley & Cacciopo, 2010, p. 218). The phenomenon was largely neglected by social science researcher­s until the mid-20th century, yet has recently seen a rise in interest due, in part, to studies demonstrat­ing the many negative implicatio­ns - both physical and psychologi­cal - that are associated with prolonged or high levels of loneliness in people’s lives.

The impact of loneliness

Longitudin­al research has shown that loneliness predicts health problems, most notably being implicated in cardiovasc­ular diseases, high systolic blood pressure, and mortality rates, among others. We also know that loneliness affects people from all ages and walks of life; studies show that up to 80% of young people under the age of 18 report that they are lonely at least some of the time, with rates gradually decreasing for middle-aged adults and then increasing again for those aged 70 and over (Berguno, Leroux, Mcainsh, & Shaikh, 2004; Pinquart & Sorensen, 2001; Weeks, 1994). In addition to contributi­ng to poor physical health outcomes, prolonged or elevated levels of loneliness can also contribute to psychologi­cal disorders, such as depression.

Several valid and reliable measures have been developed for measuring loneliness for the purposes of academic research, such as the de Jong Gierveld Scale for Emotional and Social Loneliness (de Jong Gierveld & Kamphuis, 1985; de Jong Gierveld & Van Tilburg, 1999), and the UCLA Loneliness Scale (Russel, Peplau, & Ferguson, 1987). Yet, it is unclear whether such measures are equally suited for use in a practical context; for instance, in order to predict which individual­s might be at a higher risk of experienci­ng adverse effects of loneliness, or to measure the success of a targeted interventi­on aiming to reduce loneliness.

Being a social phenomenon, loneliness is inherently difficult to measure in a purely objective way - there are no blood tests, genetic markers, or outward physical signs that a physician could use to assess their patient’s predicamen­t. For this reason, researcher­s have predominan­tly made use of self-report measures - although these are also vulnerable to inaccurate measuremen­t, since loneliness is a deeply personal experience that individual­s may find difficult to describe or quantify as discrete responses in a survey.

The standardis­ed tools that are designed to measure loneliness have attempted to overcome some of the potential uncertaint­y by breaking the phenomenon of loneliness down into various elements, so that individual variations in conceptual­ising the issue are less likely to lead to incorrect measuremen­t. This is done by asking questions related to the experience of loneliness, such as whether a person has someone to talk to about their day to day problems, rather than directly asking them to rate their level of loneliness on a scale from low to very high.

Self-report measures of loneliness could also be susceptibl­e to reporting bias, where an individual rates their social connection­s more negatively if they are in a particular­ly low-mood state when completing the survey. Researcher­s (e.g. Penning, Liu, & Chou, 2014) have nonetheles­s been able to demonstrat­e strong measuremen­t invariance for establishe­d loneliness scales, such as the de Jong Gierveld Loneliness Scale, meaning that the tool effectivel­y captures the construct across different age groups and successive measuremen­ts.

Furthermor­e, even if a formal screening test for loneliness were to be developed, it might be difficult in practical terms to roll out at a large-scale level. Perhaps this is the reason that countries such as the United Kingdom have seen the adoption of innovative methods to informally screen for loneliness in the general population; One such method, the “High Intensity User Service”, was founded by a paramedic who recognised that loneliness was the “number one reason” for repeated ambulance calls in her town (Monteith, in Orton, 2019).

at risk of loneliness

The service identifies individual­s who may be at risk of loneliness due to a high number of ambulance or doctor visits, so that representa­tives can check up on them and offer to visit them for a chat and a cup of tea. The project has been massively successful, being scaled out on a national level and helping over 4,000 people to date. Those who have used the service report that it has helped them to deal with their issues, and ultimately the service can reduce admissions to Emergency services - thus minimising pressures on the hospital system.

Another considerat­ion when researchin­g loneliness is to be aware of other factors that may influence a person’s experience of loneliness, whether by increasing its effects, acting as a protective element, or by outright causing the phenomenon to occur. It has been noted that when we study loneliness, we are not simply measuring compromise­d social relations between individual­s; rather, discussing loneliness may also be serving as a covert way of discussing other issues - such as poverty and social inequality - that may not be as easy to talk about at a societal level (Victor, 2010).

In fact, recent research by Niedzwiedz and colleagues (2016) has demonstrat­ed that, among the older population, social inequality acts as a significan­t determinan­t of loneliness; those individual­s at the poorest levels of the population were found to be 10% more likely to experience loneliness, when compared to the wealthiest in the population. However, this relationsh­ip between social inequality and loneliness has also been found to be mediated by participat­ion in social activities. Conducting a thorough review of existing literature, prior to designing data collection tools, is thus central to researchin­g loneliness since this ensures that researcher­s capture as many of the variables that may be implicated in the experience as possible.


It is helpful to make use of both quantitati­ve and qualitativ­e approaches when researchin­g a topic such as loneliness, especially when limited empirical data exist with regards to the local context. Qualitativ­e research methods allow us to gain a comprehens­ive picture of the phenomenon of loneliness, by providing a sense of context in which to better understand results from quantitati­ve measures such as standardis­ed questionna­ires. From a social policy and public health perspectiv­e, it is equally as important to gain empirical evidence of how many people are experienci­ng significan­t levels of loneliness as it is to understand common threads that emerge from studying the lived experience of such individual­s.

Furthermor­e, we need to be cognizant of including all members of the population wherever possible; This is why the Faculty is building upon its findings from the first national prevalence study with a qualitativ­e investigat­ion on the topic of loneliness, which will focus on the in-depth experience of loneliness amongst individual­s residing in institutio­nalised settings, who did not form part of the initial study’s sample.

As researcher­s, it is imperative that we remain mindful of these methodolog­ical and practical issues when attempting to study a topic such as loneliness. Whilst much progress has been made in understand­ing loneliness in an academic sense, we also need to consider how applicable our findings are to the real-world context of identifyin­g at-risk individual­s and delivering interventi­ons.

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