The Malta Business Weekly

Employers struggle to recruit staff as applicatio­ns drop due to Brexit


Employers are facing ever more difficulti­es in recruiting staff as the number of candidates for jobs shrinks in the UK due to Brexit.

According to a survey, the availabili­ty of workers suffered its biggest fall in July in a year and a half.

Last year’s Brexit vote has made it more difficult for employers to fill jobs with some EU nationals leaving the UK.

London is feeling the Brexit pinch, with hiring for permanent roles at a slower rate than other parts of the UK.

The Midlands and the North of England performed strongest in the latest figures published by the Recruitmen­t & Employment Confederat­ion.

Kevin Green, Chief Executive of REC said: “We can’t ignore the importance of our relationsh­ip with the EU to employers. If we want to keep our jobs market successful and vibrant, we must make it easier, not hard- er, for employers to access the people they need.”

He added: “Employers are not just struggling to hire the brightest and the best but also people to fill roles such as chefs, drivers and warehouse workers.”

Earlier this year, a study by Deloitte suggested 38 per cent of lower skilled EU nationals are looking at their options in relocating away from UK businesses, potentiall­y damaging a range of industries including high street retailers, small businesses and public services.

The survey also said rates of pay for both permanent and temporary staff are rising due to the fall in the number of job applicants pushing starting salaries at their highest in 20 months.

The survey also said UK employment figures receive a further boost as the number of permanent jobs grew at their highest rate in over two years and unemployme­nt at its lowest since the 1970s.

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