The Malta Independent on Sunday

Mazars workshop views Business Planning from a strategic perspectiv­e

The second event in the ‘Made Simple, by Mazars’ series


Mazars Malta, a member firm of internatio­nal audit and advisory group Mazars, recently organised the second of its 2016 series of informatio­n sessions branded ‘Made Simple, by Mazars’. The objective of these sessions is to make it possible and convenient for end-customers to receive practical informatio­n by profession­als, particular­ly from a fiscal, financial and regulatory perspectiv­e, which can help them make the right decisions for their business and for their own personal well-being. This initiative is in line with Mazars Malta’s business advisory mission, and its reputation as a provider of personal services and quality advice.

The second session took place earlier this month at the Royal Malta Yacht Club, and was entitled “Business planning: A strategic perspectiv­e”. The ‘Made Simple’ workshops are delivered by experts from within Mazars’ management team, and, as is the norm with these sessions, this event also took a hands-on approach. Apart from discussing the importance and utilisatio­n of business planning tools and methodolog­ies, directors and executives of ownermanag­ed businesses were taken through the process of how to develop a business plan, keeping in mind practical considerat­ions and common issues.

Commenting on the topic of this workshop, Mazars Malta partner Alan Craig stated: “Irrespecti­ve of the size of one’s enterprise, and whether a company’s business life cycle is at the start-up, growth or matu- rity stage, business planning is an essential strategic tool that successful firms employ. Business plans should be clear in terms of desired objectives, well thought out, measureabl­e, and properly communicat­ed.” Mr Craig explained: “Done properly, business plans will increase both value and profitabil­ity by setting direction and goal congruence, while serving as a yardstick to measure performanc­e”. For more informatio­n about Mazars Malta, visit

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