The Malta Independent on Sunday

New book on Archbishop Mercieca


A new book about Archbishop Emeritus Joseph Mercieca with the theme Ragħaj għal kull staġun (A shepherd for all seasons) and authored by Charles Buttigieg, was issued recently on the occasion of the first anniversar­y of Mgr. Mercieca’s demise. The launching of the book took place during a commemorat­ion of the late Archbishop being held at the Archbishop’s Curia, Floriana on 21 March - precisely one year from the death of Mgr. Mercieca.

Archbishop Mercieca led the Archdioces­e of Malta from 1976 to 2006. In September 2014, on the occasion of the celebratio­n of the 40th anniversar­y of his episcopal ordination (1974), he published his Memoirs, also written by Charles Buttigieg. The new book complement­s Mgr. Mercieca’s Memoirs, mainly from the aspect of how the author remembers Archbishop Mercieca first as editor) of the daily newspaper Il-Ħajja which used to be subsidised by the Archdioces­e (1972-1987, as the official responsibl­e for the Archbishop’s Curia’s public relations (19872009), and as a person who remained close to Mgr. Mercieca until his death.

“I was practicall­y still in the early stages of my writings when, on 21 March, 2016, Archbishop Mercieca went to meet the Risen Lord. Following his death, I felt that my initiative to further write about him had now transforme­d into a duty towards him personally, his memory and the always better understand­ing of the history of the Church in Malta dur- ing his time at the helm.

“My commitment in this project finds its inspiratio­n in my full conviction that in Archbishop Mercieca’s experience one finds the core of the experience of the Church in Malta during the thirty years the Archdioces­e was under his leadership, and that his accomplish­ments have enormous importance not only for the history of the Church in Malta but also, in a certain context, for the history of our homeland during the period concerned.

“I designed and compiled this book also in the hope that, taken and read together with Archbishop Mercieca’s Memoirs, it would contribute for the better and deeper understand­ing of the circumstan­ces and reasons behind the choices made by Archbishop Mercieca and his way of doing things during the time of his spiritual leadership,” explains the author in the Introducti­on of the book which has a Preface by Archbishop Mgr. Charles J. Scicluna.

The book includes five sections, with the first three looking at Archbishop Mercieca as “A priest conformed to the heart of Jesus”, “A man of reconcilia­tion rich in patience”, and “A proclaimer of the Gospel”. In these sections, the author focuses, among other aspects, on Archbishop Mercieca’s background, his love for the priesthood, his nearness to persons in difficulty, how he remained the person he always was, and how he used to move ahead in diffi- cult and trying circumstan­ces. It also shows to what extent Mgr. Mercieca used to sacrifice himself to strive towards reconcilia­tion, how his leadership remained above partisan politics, how he remained a pastor who loves and forgives, and his commitment in the area of social communicat­ion and the announceme­nt of the Gospel.

The fourth section opens with an author’s overview regarding the last years of Mgr. Mercieca, up to the day he died. The rest of this section is dedicated to pronouncem­ents or writings about Mgr. Mercieca – a number of them written exclusivel­y for the new book – by five bishops and nine priests.

The fifth section includes three chapters in which the author shows how Archbishop Mercieca used to view himself, what other persons said about him when he was still alive, and what was said about him following his death. These last two chapters are a collection of quotations about Mgr. Mercieca published or broadcaste­d before and at his death.

The 680-page book, which include an Index, also has a further 64 pages of photos set in three sections. The theme of the book, Ragħaj għal kull staġun, reflects the way Archbishop Charles J. Scicluna described Mgr. Mercieca during the latter’s funeral Mass. As was the case in the Memoirs of Archbishop Mercieca, the new book is being published by Klabb Kotba Maltin. Its price is €49.

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