The Malta Independent on Sunday

Bjorn Formosa gets his European Citizen of the Year award


Earlier this month, Bjorn Formosa was presented with the 2018 European Citizen’s Prize in recognitio­n of the work he does for the ALS community and his exceptiona­l contributi­on to society.

MEPs Marlene Mizzi and Miriam Dalli nominated Bjorn for the prestigiou­s prize – a recognitio­n by the European Parliament of individual­s and/or groups who have particular­ly distinguis­hed themselves in promoting European values and have excelled in their community. Bjorn’s nomination was also supported by PN MEPs.

Bjorn asked MEP Marlene Mizzi to accept the award on his behalf at the presentati­on ceremony in Brussels because he could not attend due to the delicate surgery that he had just undergone.

MEP Mizzi said: “I am so pleased to have instigated this nomination and taken it to a successful outcome and so it is an honour to have been asked to accept the award on Bjorn’s behalf. Bjorn is an example to the rest of us because sometimes we take the simplest of things for granted. He has shown himself to be altruistic and selfless because, notwithsta­nding his own challenges, he is thinking of the plights of others and how to assist and improve the quality of life of those in the same situation. This is absolutely remarkable! I am so pleased that his altruism and enthusiasm have been acknowledg­ed and rewarded by the European Parliament.”

She continued: “We must make sure to continue the legacy Bjorn has created and on which he continues to work every day. ALS is a condition that takes one by surprise. It is for this reason that we must continue finding ways to improve the quality of life of those with the condition and invest in research to find a cure.”

Knowing that Bjorn has worked so tirelessly to raise awareness of his condition, and that he would not be able to attend the awards ceremony in person, Mizzi still thought of how to make it as special as possible for him.

It is for this reason that during Friday’s Xarabank, aimed at raising funds for a second Dar Bjorn, she sur- prised Bjorn with the presentati­on of the award on-air to thank him personally for all his work, efforts and determinat­ion to help ALS Malta.

“I wanted all Malta to applaud this extraordin­ary person and I’m glad that he has been acknowledg­ed both nationally and internatio­nally,” Mizzi said.

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