The Malta Independent on Sunday

A social service for the developers

Earlier this month, the Malta Developmen­t Associatio­n (MDA) – through its President Sandro Chetcuti – urged the government to tackle the problem of constructi­on waste.


Instead of acting as requested, the government should request that the MDA, being a representa­tive of the major producers of this waste stream, should assume responsibi­lity for the constructi­on waste which is mostly generated by its members.

Time and again, the developmen­t lobby has emphasised the fact that it strongly believes in sustainabl­e developmen­t. How about putting its beliefs into practice and applying them to resolving the issue of the constructi­on waste which it generates, thereby contributi­ng to a reduction in the environmen­tal footprint of the constructi­on industry?

There is general agreement that stone is a scarce resource, yet no efforts are being made to divert constructi­on waste – in whole or in part – to recycling, although stone forms a substantia­l part of the constructi­on waste generated.

When we speak of recycling, the paper, plastic, metal and glass recycling bins come to mind. To these, nowadays, we include organic waste as well as electric and electronic waste. We are rightly told that we need to “sort it out”.

What about sorting out constructi­on waste and recycling it? Can’t be done? You are joking! Ever been in need of a stone slab to replace a damaged one? I am not just referring to the small, normal-sized ones, but to the large ones – those we refer to in the building industry as ‘xorok tal-qasba’ – which fetch a considerab­le price on the market.

Have you ever come across a dismantled stone spiral staircase put up for sale?

As a matter of fact, the recycling of what some consider to be ‘constructi­on waste’ is already in hand but it is carried out on a very small scale. In reality, this is the only practical and sustainabl­e solution: finding a suitable use for what is now considered as being ‘constructi­on waste’.

The Waste Management Strategy for the Maltese Islands, adopted in 2014, is sub-titled: ‘A resource management approach. With reference to constructi­on waste this entails “lengthenin­g the life cycle of virgin resources” thereby maximising the limestone resource. It is an opportunit­y to safeguard the limited resources of our islands.’

Opening up more landfills is no solution to addressing the issue of constructi­on waste. The recently announced charge of €8 per tonne of constructi­on waste is too little. Constructi­on waste imposes much higher costs on the country than a mere €8 per tonne. In effect, this means that the con- struction industry is being subsidised.

Way back in 2012, it was reported in the local media that Wasteserve was charging the government €20 per tonne for waste deposited at its landfills. Most of these charges were then subsidised, which means that they were paid out of public funds.

Instead of the €8 per tonne of constructi­on waste, a high landfill charge – say €100 per tonne – should be charged: €8 being the landfill operationa­l charges with the rest being an environmen­tal tax. This would ensure that the constructi­on industry internalis­es its costs, ie that is it pays for them itself. It would also kick-start the constructi­on industry into actively recycling on a large scale.

Many uses can be found for constructi­on waste. It would certainly, however, also signify that demolition work, where necessary, is carried out in a more orderly manner, with the aim of preserving stonework with the least amount of damage for possible re-use. Most recoverabl­e materials can be recycled and re-used.

The constructi­on industry needs to act responsibl­y: it must accept direct responsibi­lity for its environmen­tal footprints. This, rather than the introducti­on of ‘social services’ for Sandro’s MDA in the form of low or subsidised landfill charges, is the only way to address the constructi­on waste generated.

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