The Malta Independent on Sunday

The giant in our midst

A secretly shot film of a jubilant Prime Minister and his wife singing and celebratin­g, with attendant champagne, like two little kids recently made the rounds on the social media.

- Victor Calleja

It grabbed the attention and opprobrium of many, especially those who think they have the unshakable knowledge of what is morally good or reprehensi­ble. The arbiters of proper behaviour looked on agape and passed negative judgement on a prime minister who, they believe, should exercise restraint.

Our ‘First’ couple definitely outdo and outshine the ones residing in San Anton Palace, who are only kept there because the Constituti­on demands it. They are – poor Marie Louise and Edgar – like ducks in the pond, while our true peacocks strut the stage with aplomb and super grace.

Back to the film that was attacked and reviled as being a pure show of ħamallaġni (crassness – but in Maltese it has a more vehement ring to it) by quite a number of people online and beyond, including the now resurgent Franco Debono and Arnold Cassola.

Both these erstwhile leaders or near-leaders, or whatever position they hold or held, shouted that the PM’s and his wife’s behaviour was not befitting a sitting prime minister.

The added affront to all this was the fact that the celebratio­n was held in the chapel of Girgenti palace – of all places, a place of holiest devotion. Sacrilege most horrid they cried – and Cassola even asked some authority or other to investigat­e.

Now that Cassola has fallen foul of the Greens, he and Franco Debono seem undoubtedl­y headed to join the ranks of the PN, who are dying to continue on the road to perdition by welcoming anyone and any- thing as long as it moves on and is not a total Labour acolyte.

Who the hell – heaven – cares what the secretly filmed video showed? What I find ironic is that the film has helped the Joseph Muscat narrative – that he is faultless. Even when his actions are not commendabl­e they somehow help him further grow as a supreme being.

The film, whether intentiona­lly made public by a cunning Labour supporter or a mole who is a complete imbecile, just added more love by the masses for a man who can withstand any setback and live to see all horrors turned into PR goldmines for him.

Joseph Muscat seen wallowing in fun and his fawning wife looking for her near-divine hubby’s approval with her bottle of bubbly swinging around further completes the myth that is Joseph.

These films show how modern Joseph and Michelle are, unlike the old, besuited, detached-from-the-world leaders of old. This man is raw – raw enough to play on even while the singing is all about him and the other Labour divinity, Dom Mintoff. This is the realm of dreams for Labour, the govern- ment, Joseph and his cronies.

While anything connected to meritocrac­y, governance, cleaning the air and corruption is going awry, Labour and the PR men behind this behemoth revel in obfuscatio­n and glorious distractio­n.

The film sure made it a grand scale victory for those who always want to dictate the narrative that the country is doing well; that roads are getting wider; that people have loads of money in their pockets; that business is booming; that tourism numbers are sky-high. Those are the parts of the Labour mantra. Anything which does not fit in this narrative – talk of corruption or any other stain on our land – is either fantasy, not proven in court or words peddled by traitors.

And Joseph Muscat glows on as the mythic colossus of Malta who will shortly be offered a top spot in the EU.

He has declared it a long shot – keeping his back covered so that if he does not get the plum post, he can tell the world he never really expected it as we Maltese are small compared to the giants of Europe.

Joseph Muscat might not have the whole world at his feet but he sure has Malta, or most of it, convinced that he is our biggest thing since Ġgantija.

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