The Malta Independent on Sunday

The tears of the Earth

Poverty and environmen­tal degradatio­n are inter-related. They are, in fact, twins or possibly the two sides of the same coin.


Poverty generates environmen­tal degradatio­n while environmen­tal degradatio­n inevitably results in poverty. This was emphasised by Indira Gandhi, then Indian Prime Minister, way back in 1972 during her interventi­on at the United Nations Stockholm Conference on the Human Environmen­t. It is also the underlying theme of Laudato Si, the eco-encyclical of Pope Francis, and a basic theme of the Bishops Synod for the Pan-Amazonian Region currently being held in Rome.

The Stockholm Conference was the United Nations first major conference on internatio­nal environmen­tal issues and marked the definite turning point in the developmen­t of internatio­nal environmen­tal politics.

Put simply, social and environmen­tal policy are interlinke­d: it is what the Latin American roots of liberation theology describe as “the integral ecology”.

In his memoirs, Maurice Strong, Secretary-General of the UN Stockholm Conference on the Human Environmen­t, described Indira Gandhi’s Stockholm speech as being the most memorable and influentia­l speech of the entire conference. The theme – which she forcefully developed and communicat­ed – was that “poverty is the greatest polluter”. She eloquently emphasised: “…… how can we speak to those who live in villages and in slums about keeping the oceans, the rivers and the air clean, when their own lives are contaminat­ed at the source?”

Everything is related. We humans are an integral part of the natural order: our health is the earth’s health; our tears are the earth’s tears.

Leonardo Boff, the Brazilian Franciscan Liberation Theologist, uses crystal clear language to describe this, even encapsulat­ing it in the title of his 1995 seminal publicatio­n: Cry of the Earth, Cry of the Poor ( Grito da Terra, Grito dos Pobres) which is the essential backdrop for both Jorge Bergoglio’s eco-encyclical as well as for the Amazonian Bishops’ Synod currently under way.

Environmen­tal degradatio­n has a considerab­le impact on the quality of life of all of us except, that is, for the quality of life of the select few who pocket profits by appropriat­ing for themselves advantages (economic or otherwise) and lumping the negative impacts on the rest.

Environmen­tal degradatio­n is an instrument of social injustice. Consequent­ly, enhancing the protection of the environmen­t is also essential to restore social justice. The Earth is our common home: together with the earth we have a common future and all the damage we cause comes back to us.

There are direct impacts, such as having to breathe contaminat­ed air, drink polluted water, or eat fish and/or vegetables that contain various contaminan­ts.

There are also the indirect impacts which take time to materialis­e. Climate change is a case in point. A slow build-up of carbon emissions over the centuries is currently close to a tipping point. We risk a catastroph­ic impact as a result of climate change: an increase in temperatur­e and an accelerate­d melting of ice at the poles – in Greenland in particular – which would lead to a substantia­l rise in sea level.

The poor and the vulnerable will be those most affected. The vulnerable small island states in the Pacific are already experienci­ng these impacts. ‘Climate refugees’ are a new breed of immigrants, fleeing from the environmen­tal impacts which they have to shoulder but to which they did not contribute.

The Earth continuous­ly retaliates to restore a natural balance. It has no choice; it does not discrimina­te.

This is the result of greed – a myopic vision which takes every opportunit­y to cash in on short-term gains but is unable to understand the long-term impacts.

Nature is able to provide for the needs of everyone. It is, however, unable to sustain long-term greed. In our ecological community we need to interact not just with nature, our immediate environmen­t, but more with the total environmen­t. This can only be achieved if we take heed of the tears of the Earth.

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