The Malta Independent on Sunday

Everybody wants change

All political parties – be they large or negligible in size – want change. The question is: do you want change? But before answering that question, I think we should answer another question: what kind of change are we talking about?


Labour’s change

It seems to me fascinatin­g that Labour is mostly intent on changes in the criminal law. There seems to be within the Labour fold a morbid interest for criminalit­y and the extent of the criminal law’s reach, and a proclivity for broadening or narrowing that reach.

Consider, as an example of the former, the recent increase (from €2 to €500 and imprisonme­nt) in the punishment for not sending children to school. What was once hailed as a right – the right of (free) education for all – has now been morphed into an obligation, backed by criminal sanction. It’s now a crime punishable by imprisonme­nt not to send one’s children to school. What’s the “valuable thing”, the “good”, being protected here?

It’s difficult for me – but, of course, it’s my opinion – to understand how not sending one’s children to school can be a crime. I think it’s nothing less than defective analytical thinking. I presume – but I stand to be corrected – that parents don’t send their children to school either because of ignorance of the benefits of schooling or because of other, psychologi­cal reasons.

If it’s a matter of not seeing the benefits of schooling, then it means that the State has failed properly to educate the parents, and they shouldn’t be made to pay for the State’s shortcomin­gs. If it’s a matter of psychologi­cal, unconsciou­s causes, then it’s inhumane to punish people who actually require help.

Then again, it might be that parents want to keep their children away from school because they want them to work. In this case, if it’s a matter of poverty, then we should be revising social services rather than criminalis­ing the poor. If it’s a matter of greed, then we’re back to underlying psychologi­cal causes that require profession­al help.

All in all, I cannot see one single reason why the State should envisage gaol for not benefittin­g from something that started off as a right but morphed into an obligation along the way.

In its barest conception, criminal law should protect life, liberty, and property, and, essentiall­y, public interest. How not sending one’s children to school can fall under any of these categories is difficult to comprehend. But things get more complicate­d when one considers that at the same time there are vociferous elements that argue in favour of the decriminal­isation of abortion. So it seems that, according to some, parents can decide to terminate their unborn children’s life and go unpunished but will then be punished if they don’t send their born children to school.

Be that as it may. Labour is also interested in the narrowing of the reach of the criminal law, as manifested by its drive to “secularise” the criminal law. I use inverted commas because I’m sort of abusing the word “secularisa­tion”. In its proper meaning, “secularisa­tion” refers to a supposed need to extricate the criminal law (in this case) from the talons of religion.

Sin and crime were indeed intertwine­d in the past, but mostly in the Calvinist countries. In countries with a Catholic tradition, it was different. But it seems Maltese liberals get their cue from countries with a strong Calvinist tradition and, seriously lacking sophistica­tion, they fail to see that they’re importers and wholesaler­s of other peoples’ histories.

Labour seems intent on tinkering with our criminal laws in diverse sectors, ushering in a New Age of Freedom, in pot smoking, euthanasia, prostituti­on, and possibly – if they give in to the whining and nagging coming from Malta Today – abortion.

The Nationalis­ts’ change

The Nationalis­ts seem more intent on changing how we deal with environmen­tal challenges.

They seem to be focussing on the need to change if we want to survive. I use the word “survive” on purpose, not because I want to switch to hyperbole but because, all said and done, it’s really a matter of survival.

Climate change, say, but also the wanton destructio­n of the ecosystem and the environmen­t (urban and rural) will eventually lead to our being physically wiped out. So, no, the use of “survival” is not hyperbolic.

Then again, we have heard so many warnings from the environmen­talists that we now seem immune to prophets of doom. Which is silly, actually, because it seems quite self-evident that if we don’t change our ways and put a stop to environmen­tal abuse, we’re going to end up with an irreversib­le disaster. But, alas, people seldom believe prophets.

This is one main reason why the Nationalis­ts seem unable to convince the electorate to trust them with the administra­tion of the country. What the Nationalis­ts are forecastin­g – irreversib­le environmen­tal disaster – is realistic but deceitfull­y portrayed by their political foes as “negativity”.

In the war between the Environmen­t and the Economy, the majority of the electorate favours the latter. This is short-sighted, needless to say. But claiming that those who don’t get your message are short-sighted gets you nowhere. To succeed in politics you need to find a convergenc­e of interests.

The general elections are possibly only a few short weeks away. There’s little time to find that convergenc­e. But still, intelligen­t people are called to choose between Labour’s foolish infatuatio­n with the criminal law and the Nationalis­ts’ works-inprogress project to save the country from long-term ruin.

Why Malta is over-built

Public discussion on overdevelo­pment in this country consistent­ly ignores internatio­nal competitio­n. Living on an island far away from everything else – a sort of Hawai’i in the Mediterran­ean – we tend to look at our problems in an insular fashion, instead of analysing them from a wider perspectiv­e.

What I mean is that despite the messy, shabby, run-down environmen­t, Malta is highly attractive to those who want real estate in the Central Mediterran­ean. Sicily is gorgeous but underdevel­oped (consider the recent story of the family that got stranded there because their young daughter tested positive to COVID-19 who couldn’t even order food because of an inefficien­t food delivery system). Our North African neighbours have serious problems with political stability and legal systems. Malta, on the other hand, has a good (though still far from perfect) land-registrati­on system and, all in all, despite the shabbiness, above-average health care system, entertainm­ent industry and culture scene, educationa­l infrastruc­ture, judicial machinery, and overall business approach.

The attractive­ness of Malta puts a lot of stress and strain on its infrastruc­ture. Being the only decently-developed territory in the Central Mediterran­ean rakes in money but also depletes natural resources. We could actually be victims of our own successes.

World Suicide Prevention Day

It seems natural – since I’m almost talking of avoiding national suicide – to spend a few words on World Suicide Prevention Day, that falls on the 10th of September.

There’s an app, called Kriżi, that can be downloaded if one is trying to survive tough times. One can also call the free 24/7 crisis line 9933 9966 for help if one is troubled by certain thoughts.

Whatever happens, nothing justifies giving up. If you’re reading this, and you’re thinking of turning out the light for good, please don’t. Call the number above, or download the app, or speak to somebody who can help.

You might not realise it, but there are people who care whether you’re still here or not.

Cry if you must, let somebody hug you. But don’t switch off the light.

Traffic nightmare

Malta has two huge problems associated with increasing rates of car ownership and use: traffic and parking.

Minister Ian Borg is trying to solve the former by widening roads and removing trees.

About the latter, a suggestion has been recently made to introduce parking meters. This is not a novel idea – I think something similar had been mentioned in relation to Valletta some twenty years ago.

Needless to say, parking meters would also imply parking permits for residents, in the sense that residents would not be bound to pay if they want to park next to their residence.

But the road-widening strategy is foolhardy, short-sighted and bound to fail, and the parking meter system would only partially solve the problem.

What Malta needs, in my opinion, is less cars on the roads. However, free public transporta­tion (buses and undergroun­d, say) would not achieve the desired objective. For many reasons. The lack of privacy and possibilit­y of meeting people you’d rather avoid, the extra time spent in longer routes when compared to do-ityourself itinerarie­s, the hassle of having to work out connection­s – all these factors, and others, militate against the feasibilit­y of public transporta­tion as ultimate solution.

Free taxis could be an interestin­g alternativ­e, provided either taxi drivers are trained not to disturb passengers with useless, tiresomely inquisitiv­e small talk or a glass screen is placed between front and back seats to avoid similar unnecessar­y distractio­ns.

A more attractive solution could be making working from home a permanent feature of our production system.

Getting people to go to work in one place was a management idea that revolution­ised the production system. There was a time, in the past, when the textile industry depended on people – women mostly – who spun at home in their free time. This however, created a number of problems for industrial­ists, as they could not supervise the women’s work leading to missed deadlines and inferior quality. The solution was moving those women to factories – centralise­d places of production where the industrial­ist could supervise the worker to assure quality and ensure respect for deadlines, and production quotas.

This revolution was then transposed to the office.

The COVID-19 pandemic has perhaps demonstrat­ed that it could be possible to turn back the clock and give workers the dignity of being treated like adults and the freedom to work without direct supervisio­n and possibly micro-management.

The solution to the traffic nightmare might indeed be found not in Ian Borg’s frenzy to convert Malta into one big tarmac-covered, tree-less wasteland, but in a new approach to human resource management.

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