The Malta Independent on Sunday

Legislatio­n to combat public office abuse

The public Inquiry’s report into the assassinat­ion of journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia has recommende­d that “abuse of office” is included in the criminal code as a crime

- MARK SAID Dr Mark Said is an advocate

Misconduct in public office is not defined in any statute. That notwithsta­nding, it is inherently a serious criminal offence in that it requires that a public officer acting as such wilfully neglects to perform his or her duty and/or wilfully misconduct­s him or herself to such a degree as to amount to an abuse of the public’s trust in the office holder without reasonable excuse or justificat­ion.

Unless a clear and exhaustive definition is laid down in our Criminal Code, problems could theoretica­lly arise through areas of uncertaint­y, as well as gaps and overlaps with alternativ­e offences. This is to ensure that public officials are appropriat­ely held to account for misconduct committed in connection with their official duties.

Ideally, one could legislate for two specific criminal offences, one being that of corruption in public office, namely where a public office holder knowingly uses or fails to use the public position or power for the purpose of achieving a benefit for oneself or others or to the detriment of someone else, where that behaviour would be considered seriously improper by a “reasonable person” unless it can be demonstrat­ed that such conduct was, in all the circumstan­ces, in the public interest. The other being that of breach of duty in public office, namely where a public office holder is subject to and aware of a duty that arises only by virtue of the functions of the public office, is in breach of that duty, and in doing so is reckless as to its consequenc­es. To provide greater clarity around the scope of the offence, one could recommend that there be a list of positions capable of amounting to “public office” set out in the law. Such a list, however, should not be exhaustive as it would result in a loss of flexibilit­y and would run the risk that some forms of serious misconduct would not be captured. A broadly formulated offence would serve an important purpose in providing an effective criminal sanction against misconduct by public officers.

Thus, circumstan­ces that could render a person a “public office holder” for the purposes of the offence would safely and lawfully call for the applicatio­n of the respective criminal proceeding­s. At the same time, one should ensure that the fault and seriousnes­s threshold for imposition of criminal liability is set at an appropriat­e level while accompanie­d by the promotion of fairness and consistenc­y in charging and prosecutio­n practice. I consider this requiremen­t would help ensure that public office holders are not subject to prosecutio­n in circumstan­ces that are politicall­y motivated or vexatious and that cases are only pursued where the appropriat­e thresholds are met. In this sense, I make it clear that the offence of misconduct in a public office should remain a crime defined by conduct as opposed to results, which in that case means that any harmful result only informs the necessary degree of seriousnes­s, which in any case should be left to the court’s absolute discretion.

I state this on the strength of a number of events and allegation­s that occurred in our country over the last years. Furthermor­e, a statutory definition lacking clarity and precision might easily create the potential for misuse and injustice, and risks it being used as a “catch-all” offence, in place of more targeted statutory offences. On the other hand, I would be more than concerned if the offence had to be commonly used to target relatively junior officials, rather than senior decision-makers whom members of the public might more readily expect to be held criminally accountabl­e.

Behaviour involving dishonesty or a conflict of interest, a breach of trust, particular­ly in relation to vulnerable individual­s, underminin­g public confidence in the institutio­n to which the public office relates, or public institutio­ns more generally, should all be considered as amounting to “seriously improper” conduct. In this respect, it is opportune to recall the case of a police inspector accused of divulging confidenti­al informatio­n to a lawyer. Equally “seriously improper” conduct would be the case of journalist­s, as secondary parties, encouragin­g public office holders to leak confidenti­al informatio­n. We all remember how last April, Speaker Anglu Farrugia was called upon to investigat­e leaks after standards in public life report on minister Carmelo Abela was disclosed to the press or how certain FIAU reports were leaked to third parties in flagrant breach of the law. While it is true that the press should have all the freedom to probe and find out what is happening, on the other hand, protecting and maintainin­g impartial and incorrupt public services is also imperative. It has always been a difficult balance and it is open knowledge that for many years some journalist­s have paid public officials for informatio­n.

We must learn from recent history of how some illegal and semilegal methods were used in a number of energy, health and other sector deals in attempts to eliminate competitio­n and in forced takeovers of legal entities. Typically the perpetrato­rs were unscrupulo­us business people or even organised crime groups. Occasional­ly public authoritie­s were involved in such struggles either because the private adversarie­s misused official procedures or the authoritie­s misused their powers and colluded with some of the parties.

No leaders can defend a nation if they are not held accountabl­e to its laws. Leadership by deception is not leadership. It is fraud. Failing to indict criminals wielding power sends the message that those in power are above the law. A country ruled by criminals and their government minions needs two revolution­s, one small and one big: the small revolution is to overthrow the criminally tainted government, the big revolution is to radically undo the damage these criminals have inflicted on the country!

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