The Malta Independent on Sunday

For it or ‘agin’ it?

One thing, above all others, puzzles me about this Covid-19 pandemic


Who, in their right mind, would espouse the philosophy of the unvaccinat­ed? I am reliably informed that the anti-vaxxers make up a substantia­l minority of those folk categorica­lly opposed to receiving anti-Covid vaccines. But why would anybody want to deliberate­ly put themselves in danger of contractin­g a disease that could kill them, when there is available a safe antidote in one of the many Covid vaccines?

It seems the answer or answers lie largely in the realm of – socalled – civil liberties. For many people the recommenda­tion, by the competent medical authoritie­s, to get vaccinated against Covid is like a red rag to a bull: “Why should I?” or “What’s in it for them?” (whoever ‘them’ are). “I won’t be pushed around by faceless beaurocrat­s” is another popular mantra of the antivaxxer faction.

And yes, to me this does seem like a classic case of crass stupidity: “It can’t happen to me, I’m not a geriatric.” Or “I am not putting something into my body about which I know bugger all.” Of course all this is not helped by the generous doses of misinforma­tion, not to say fake news, being flung around on the World Wide Web, via social media. One of the more bizarre hypotheses out there was expounded by a rather eccentric looking American granny in a vox-pop on YouTube. She stared straight at the camera before blurting out: “I won’t take no vaccinatio­ns because I heard it wipes out your DNA.” She then went on to cement her stupidity with: “An’ I know it’s true ‘cos Donald Trump said it.” Now if any associatio­n was ever going to make most normal people rubbish the claim, it would be because it was attributed to the serial liar Trump.

Another popular caveat concerns the one where they claim that the faceless controller­s of our destinies are: a) either inserting tracer isotopes into each vaccine shot or b) spiking every shot with toxins that could kill you. Just why any government should want to exterminat­e a large proportion of its population in this way is not clear; but there you go. There are several other weird and wonderful reasons not to get vaccinated, but I think you get the message.

So what should be done about it? Clearly if enough of the population choose not to be vaccinated against Covid-19 it will pose a considerab­le risk to the rest of us. I am not one to lobby for blanket vaccinatio­n of the entire population. We are still nominally living in a free country… kind of, so freedom of choice is part and parcel of this. No, what I would do is make life extremely uncomforta­ble for anti-vaxxers by imposing draconian rules and regulation­s on anyone who refuses to be vaccinated against Covid-19 – no entry to cinemas, theatres, night clubs, sports stadia, pubs, bars, restaurant­s and all other places of entertainm­ent and relaxation.

I would stipulate that those already fully vaccinated should carry around, on their person, their certificat­e proving the fact. Regular checks on these certificat­es should be carried out, possibly by local wardens or the police. I would make it as uncomforta­ble as I possibly could for non-vaccinated members of the populace. Freedom of choice is fine… but not when it endangers the rest of us!

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