The Malta Independent on Sunday

Digital maturity can help boost financial performanc­e

The benefits of digital transforma­tion are real, extensive, and tangible, according to a recent Deloitte survey of 1,200 senior executives


Surveyed companies with higher digital maturity – or those that had made greater progress in generating results from their digital transforma­tions – enjoyed a range of benefits that include, but go well beyond, improved financial performanc­e.

The benefits of digital maturity

Our analysis found that companies with higher digital maturity were three times more likely than lower maturity ones to significan­tly outperform their industry average on key financial metrics. This pattern held true across industries, and was remarkably consistent with findings from a similar survey Deloitte published last year on this topic.

This year we dug deeper into this connection between digital maturity and better financial performanc­e. We found that higher maturity companies were more likely to attribute the following benefits to their digital investment­s:

• Improved efficiency

• Higher revenue growth

• Enhanced product/service quality

• Better customer satisfacti­on

• Increased employee engagement

We examined the survey responses through the lens of seven “digital pivots” that collective­ly enable digitally transforma­tion. Surveyed Higher maturity organisati­ons were actually two to three times more likely than lower maturity ones to attribute each of the five business benefits listed above to every single one of the digital pivots, which are:

• Flexible, secure infrastruc­ture

• Data mastery

• Digitally savvy, open talent networks

• Ecosystem engagement

• Intelligen­t workflows

• Unified customer experience

• Business model adaptabili­ty

Focusing on growth and innovation through digital transforma­tion

Another key difference between higher and lower maturity companies surveyed is that the higher maturity companies displayed a greater focus on growth and innovation in the pursuit of digital transforma­tion. Lower maturity organisati­ons surveyed, on the other hand, tended to focus more on benefits linked to cost-cutting and efficiency. For example, when describing the single greatest benefit to their sales and marketing functions, higher maturity companies were more likely to cite increasing customer lifetime value. Lower maturity organisati­ons, meanwhile, were more likely to point to decreasing customer acquisitio­n costs. Higher maturity organisati­ons were also more likely to report that they were leveraging digital business models, such as offering digitally connected products.

In other words, the higher maturity companies recognised that digital transforma­tion is about both doing old things better, faster, and cheaper, and doing new things that weren’t possible before. Efficiency gains and lower costs are some of the low-hanging fruit of digital transforma­tion. Ambitious companies aim higher.

Boosting environmen­tal sustainabi­lity and workforce diversity

Our findings also suggest that the benefits of digital maturity extend beyond traditiona­l business objectives. At a time when companies increasing­ly view social responsibi­lity as part of their mission, digital transforma­tion is helping them meet challenges like improving environmen­tal sustainabi­lity and workforce diversity.

Higher maturity respondent­s in our survey were more likely to use digital technologi­es to lower their consumptio­n of natural resources and reduce carbon emissions, as well as enhance their talent recruitmen­t and management to support diversity. In some cases, even the majority of lower maturity companies were leveraging digital technologi­es to meet these goals.

However, prior research conducted by Deloitte and MIT suggest that organisati­ons with higher digital maturity are more likely to have the advantage of more modernised governance and ethics frameworks. This can help safeguard them from potential missteps by, for instance, having a process in place to screen and eliminate potential biases in AI models used for recruiting talent.

Uncertaint­y highlights the need for digital transforma­tion

Our survey also revealed that some companies plan to significan­tly increase their digital transforma­tion budgets. On average, respondent­s said they planned to grow investment­s by 15 percent over the next year. Still, this is a lower growth rate than we found in last year’s survey, when respondent­s reported that they planned to grow digital transforma­tion investment­s by 25 percent.

This slower growth rate is in line with media and analyst reports that suggest macroecono­mic concerns are impacting enterprise IT spend. However, market uncertaint­y only underscore­s the need for digital transforma­tion. When faced with constantly shifting market conditions and the need to meet new customer and stakeholde­r demands, digital maturity’s benefits outlined in this report only grow more critical to the success of the enterprise.

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