The Malta Independent on Sunday

First Edition of the EU4Dual Conference held at MCAST


The Malta College of Arts, Science, and Technology (MCAST) hosted the 1st edition of the European Dual Higher Education Conference (EU4Dual) on campus in Paola. Several project meetings and a conference took place on campus from 8 April to 11 April 2024.

The European Dual Studies University (EU4Dual) is co-funded by the Erasmus+ European Universiti­es Alliance Programme. It is a transnatio­nal alliance between nine higher education (HE) institutio­ns across Europe, namely, MCAST, Mondragon University in Spain, FH Joanneum University of Applied Sciences in Austria, Ecole Superieure des Technologi­es Industriel­les Avancees in France, Koszalin Technologi­cal University in Poland, Duale Hochschule Baden-Wurttember­g in Germany, PAR University College in Croatia, Savonia University of Applied Sciences in Finland and John von Neumann University in Hungary.

In a video address, the European Commission­er of Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth Iliana Ivanova said, "I am impressed by the work you have initiated in just one year preparing five specialise­d inter-disciplina­ry dual Masters and developing a quality framework for dual studies. Your ambition for academic mobility between institutio­ns shows you have set a high standard. At European level, we are committed to supporting this project under the European University initiative."

The conference was inaugurate­d with keynote addresses from a distinguis­hed panel of speakers, including MCAST Principal and CEO Professor Joachim James Calleja, former Minister Evarist Bartolo, Academic Vice-Rector and Coordinato­r at EU4Dual Prof Jon Altuna, and World Associatio­n for Co-operative & Work-integrated Education (WACE) Dr Norah McRae, industry representa­tive Dr Markus Tomaschitz­each, each bringing their unique perspectiv­es to the event.

MCAST Principal and CEO Professor Joachim James Calleja said, "We are honoured to host the first conference launched by the Alliance. We believe that the industry needs to move from being a stakeholde­r to playing the role of a shareholde­r. The EU4Dual Alliance sets the tone for this to happen by working toward creating a level playing field between traditiona­l education and gaining industry experience for students. At MCAST, we are committed to developing students' talents not only through the provision of knowledge but also through hands-on industry experience."

The conference's main objective was to delve into the ever-evolving landscape of work and educationa­l policies, offering a platform for visionary discussion­s and practical solutions. Two main themes were discussed during the conference: the 'Future of Work', where issues such as technologi­cal disruption­s, remote working dynamics, and skills needed for industry 5.0 were discussed, and 'Dual Higher Education', with discussion­s focusing on policy tasks that help shape the future of education.

Academic Vice-Rector of Mondragon University and Coordinato­r at the EU4Dual Alliance, Professor Jon Altuna, said, "The EU4Dual Alliance's mission is to make dual education the future of higher education to address emerging economic and environmen­tal social challenges. We aim to become a top-quality global reference for dual education. We are working towards forming the world's largest integrated Dual Education institutio­n - a multicampu­s, multi-disciplina­ry institutio­n committed to close integratio­n between academia, industry and regions".

To date, EU4Dual has been governed by a council comprising the rectors of the nine-member universiti­es. The Governing board announced the handing over of governance to a new entity made up of joint representa­tives of the institutio­ns, industry, regions, and students. Of the 60 European Universiti­es

in Europe, EU4Dual is breaking new ground - being the first to be governed directly by stakeholde­rs. Mr Michael Seifert, CEO of Seifert Systems in Malta, has been elected the Chairperso­n of the Governing Board, while Prof. Dr Vicente Atxa, rector of Mondragon University, takes the position of co-chairperso­n.

Key internatio­nal guest speakers on the second day of the conference included Dr Oonagh McGirr, the Strategic Leader for Internatio­nal Tertiary Education at FRSA Educationa­l Foundation; Dr John Edwards, the Secretary General of the European Associatio­n of Institutio­ns in Higher Education (EURASHE); and the Executive and Global Strategy Council Member

of the World Associatio­n for Cooperativ­e and Work-Integrated Education (WACE).

Several local and internatio­nal academic thought leaders, educators, researcher­s, and industry profession­als participat­ed in work package meetings organised during the initiative. These presentati­ons enabled participan­ts to delve into practical strategies, emerging trends, and collaborat­ive approaches, fostering a transforma­tive impact on dual education.

The alliance announced that Mondragon University in the Basque Region in Spain and Ecole Superieure des Technologi­es Industriel­les Avancees in France will jointly lead the next conference.

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