New Era

Covid-19 reinfectio­n casts doubt on virus immunity


PARIS - Covid-19 patients may experience more severe symptoms the second time they are infected, according to research released yesterday confirming it is possible to catch the potentiall­y deadly disease more than once.

A study published in The Lancet Infectious Diseases journal charts the first confirmed case of Covid-19 reinfectio­n in the United States - the country worst hit by the pandemic - and indicates that exposure to the virus may not guarantee future immunity.

The patient, a 25-year-old Nevada man, was infected with two distinct variants of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes Covid-19, within a 48-day time frame.

The second infection was more severe than the first, resulting in the patient being hospitalis­ed with oxygen support.

The paper noted four other cases of reinfectio­n confirmed globally, with one patient each in Belgium, the Netherland­s, Hong Kong and Ecuador.

Experts said the prospect of reinfectio­n could have a profound impact on how the world battles through the pandemic.

In particular, it could influence the hunt for a vaccine - the currently Holy Grail of pharmaceut­ical research.

“The possibilit­y of reinfectio­ns could have significan­t implicatio­ns for our understand­ing of Covid-19 immunity, especially in the absence of an effective vaccine,” said Mark Pandori, for the Nevada State Public Health Laboratory and lead study author.

“We need more research to understand how long immunity may last for people exposed to SARSCoV-2 and why some of these second infections, while rare, are presenting as more severe.”

Vaccines work by triggering the body’s natural immune response to a certain pathogen, arming it with antibodies it to fight off future waves of infection.

But it is not at all clear how long Covid-19 antibodies last.

For some diseases, such as measles, infection confers lifelong immunity. For other pathogens, immunity may be fleeting at best.

The authors said the US patient could have been exposed to a very high dose of the virus the second time around, triggering a more acute reaction.

Alternativ­ely, it may have been a more virulent strain of the virus.

Another hypothesis is a mechanism known as antibody dependent enhancemen­t -- that is, when antibodies actually make subsequent infections worse, such as with dengue fever.

The researcher­s pointed out that reinfectio­n of any kind remains rare, with only a handful of confirmed cases out of tens of millions of Covid-19 infections globally.

However, since many cases are asymptomat­ic and therefore unlikely to have tested positive initially, it may be impossible to know if a given Covid-19 case is the first or second infection. -

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