New Era

Hybrid taxation vs economic recovery


AT the earliest of time, in the days of independen­ce, most African countries mooted various ambitious economic growth visions, which in our case, is referred to as Vision 2030.

These developmen­t visions formed a compact of economic growth strategies on the economic planning and growth ladder. As sovereign maturity was realised, sadly the states celebrated their respective independen­ce gains in poverty, budget deficits, external borrowings, high unemployme­nt, social disorienta­tion, serving as unintended visible dividends of political independen­ce.

These developmen­tal visions, have in the worst case scenario than ever thought of, become cataracts to impair both the political and economic sight of leadership and have only been realised through the external hand of aid from multilater­al institutio­ns such as IMF and the World Bank, to mention, but a few.

Question: Is Africa a continent of economic mismanagem­ent?

Thirty years after independen­ce, Namibia still battles with increasing social evils experience­d by many African countries in their later years of sovereign maturity, such as high unemployme­nt, poverty, budget deficits etc. While it is true that these evils are visible, they don’t stand to offset Namibia’s developmen­tal achievemen­ts. Attempting to merely averaging the level of Namibia’s achievemen­t without understand­ing why government is struggling to address these issues, is purely a display of intellectu­al insolvency and a betrayal of human conscious.

Unlike many highly industrial­ised and developed nations with ingenious driven economies, Namibia and South Africa, are among the first countries to adopt the social safety net program on the African continent.

A different perspectiv­e narrative in increased prominence is that Namibia has enough resources to reduce poverty and afford equitable allocation of benefits to all its citizens to live a life of decency. That is true. But, why is government constraine­d to realise this?

It defeats any logic and hardly suffices in good faith to only advance a barrage of condemnati­ons, without critically looking at the principal causes of government’s constraine­d ability to address some of the social ills.

The tax instrument, (the Income Tax Act) that Namibia uses as a revenue generating taxing instrument is pure hybrid because it provides only for taxation of personal income on marginal basis on one hand and the taxation of corporatio­n income on explicit roll back basis on the other. In other words it is a Tax Act that serves these two extremes so that in between there are no safety net provisions to increase its abilities to tax economic activities in an open economy as should be required. This damaging oversight contribute­s to government’s constraine­d revenue generation abilities and pushes treasury in an infinite budget deficit position.

Another unpleasant reality, is that Namibia is the only country on the African continent which has been deliberate­ly chosen and placed under a spotlight to be a victim of a double effect externally interposed harmful tax regime with intent to collapse the economy and wrap the country in a glittering foil of poverty. The externally interposed economic collapsing harmful tax regime was designed and sophistica­tedly crafted to cripple the economy and more so, that if the regime is not addressed, indeed Namibia has to be packaged as a country that has economical­ly failed in order to stir public mistrust in the leadership and justify that African leaders cannot handle economic affairs. In the midst of all these economic crippling effects, (i.e the regrettabl­e use of a hybrid taxing instrument in an open economy and the presence of an interposed harmful tax regime that was loaded and interposed 21 years ago), the Namibian government has, to the contrary, remained afloat to sustain the delivery of infrastruc­ture developmen­t and maintained the commitment to its social safety net provision, attracting continenta­l accolades as the best country in road infrastruc­ture on the African continent, when other countries at the age of 30 years of sovereign maturity, were found to be at IMF and World Bank Cheshire SOS houses undergoing economic rehabilita­tion and other fiscal dosage prescripti­ons as a preconditi­on to accessing the external aid.

What looks like a proven case that African leaders cannot manage their respective economies is in fact, a calculated strategy from the rapacious neocolonia­lists that use taxation structures as weapons to destroy the economies in order to create a fertile ground to architectu­re political regime change. African countries, Namibia included, inherited hybrid taxing instrument­s without noticing that the moment you ratify Double Taxation Agreement but continue to use the same Tax Act, a dangerous loophole is created to load or interpose an economic collapsing harmful tax regime. Africa’s economic agony is traced to the practice of rushing to undertake economic planning programs without matching these programs with taxation planning. There is no economic plan that can realize the sustained growth objectives and goals in the absence of an effective taxation plan as a critical component of economic planning and a central tool of revenue generation. Those that design harmful tax regimes to collapse economies have an establishe­d view that Africa does not have capacity to understand taxation. Equally, Africa nations are inclined to a propensity that Income Tax Acts are only instrument­s for revenue generation purposes, without knowing that they are also used as tools to protect or destroy state sovereignt­y.

Indeed, Africa’s capacity to arrive at correct numerical tax assessment is compromise­d because it is very far from comprehend­ing the nitty-gritties of structural taxation which is critical and an influencin­g factor in revenue generation to support public spending and economic growth. Reference cases to amplify the argument that African countries lack capacity to handle structural taxation are visible. In recent years, Senegal decided to tear-apart the Double Taxation Agreement that the country signed with Mauritius. Many countries are believed to be following the same route. Why are African countries deciding to cancel DTAs instead of interpreti­ng them? Double Taxation Treaties are the central point of economic poison and are used to load economic collapsing harmful tax regimes when there is no capacity to interpret them. Sadly, Namibia is an innocent bleeding victim of the same. Will Namibia follow the route of placing the notorious DTAs in the dust bin? Cancelling DTAs creates diplomatic wrinkles of anger and unnecessar­y mispercept­ions. Interpreta­tion is the best solution since interpreta­tions creates revenue generation streams and a win-win situation without any diplomatic wrath.

Structural taxation is a compact package that includes, capacity and knowledge to understand the character of the Income Tax Act that the country uses, assessing if the Income Tax Act is aligned to the model of the economy, establishi­ng the tax structures that exist within the model, establishi­ng the factors that have transforme­d the model of the economy, (i.e. assessing if the economic model is transforme­d by the scope of the bilateral tax treaties, or an investment regime), assessing if the Income Tax Act is strong enough to stabilize the revenue base (i.e. countering capital outflow), if the Income Tax Act is strong enough to stabilize the tax base, (i.e. countering tax evasion and avoidance), capacity to interpret the bilateral tax treaties, ( both administra­tive treaty interpreta­tion and treaty ratificati­on interpreta­tion), ability to detect the harmful tax regime and the tax structures that the regime uses etc. Treaty interpreta­tion without the knowledge and expertise in understand­ing structural taxation is a nose bleeding exercise.

Innocently, the Namibian government is assembling economic revival efforts and strategies in the midst and presence of an interposed harmful tax regime, using a pure hybrid taxing instrument to generate sufficient revenues in an open economy whose model has been transforme­d. The leadership need to be guided to take the right direction in reviving the economy which among other things should include undertakin­g: transforma­tion of the Income Tax Act from pure hybrid to Hybrid safety net, countering the harmful tax regime and the tax structures that the regime uses, interpreti­ng the bilateral tax treaties that the country currently administer­s, restoring both the revenue base and tax base from artificial to original. Period!

 ??  ?? Philips Ndunda
Philips Ndunda

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