New Era

NWR proceeds with salary cuts

- ■ Staff Reporter

At the beginning of July 2021, Namibia Wildlife Resorts (NWR) Limited communicat­ed the need to cut the salaries of all its employees as a last resort after it had exhausted all other cost-cutting measures it had instituted over the past 16 months. Consequent­ly, a misunderst­anding was created in certain quarters that because NWR is a state-owned enterprise, this was an illegal decision being taken by the company.

“However, it is important to note that the Labour Act makes provision for an organisati­on to enact a salary cut and reduce employee working hours accordingl­y for a period not longer than three months”, read a statement issued last week by NWR spokespers­on, Mufaro Njabulo Nesongano.

“NWR is probably the first public sector institutio­n to take such a measure. This in itself is not surprising because the tourism sector was devastated by the impacts of Covid-19. Some other organisati­ons were not so lucky and had to close down due to the pandemic,” said Matthias Ngwangwama, NWR managing director.

He further stated that implementi­ng the salary cut was one of the most difficult decisions he has had to take since assuming the managing director role.

“It is not something I took pleasure in doing, but in the current circumstan­ces, the options were limited. Contrary to what some stakeholde­rs indicated, reducing remunerati­on and hours is not ‘unlawful’ but regulated in the Labour Act (Act No 11 of 2007). Stakeholde­rs should familiaris­e themselves with and try to understand the provisions of the Labour Act rather than make harmful statements that, in the end, may harm the reputation of the company. I request that all company stakeholde­rs support the measures that management is trying to implement to ensure the company’s survival and longevity”.

The MD added that NWR is, however, pleased to observe that some of those who were initially critical of the company’s stance to enact a salary cut have come to understand its move, which is geared towards securing the livelihood­s of its more than 600 staff members.

 ?? Photo: Contribute­d ?? Matthias Ngwangwama, NWR managing director.
Photo: Contribute­d Matthias Ngwangwama, NWR managing director.

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