New Era

Reshaping personal growth and success

What is your personal definition of growth and success?

- With Valerie Tjirimuje

WHATEVER your personal definition might be, it is crucial to practice it, in such a manner that is authentic to yourself and suitable to your life. Very often, it is influenced by numerous factors, some intrinsica­lly driven, and others externally motivated. As human beings, what remains persistent in our ever shifting reality is change and growth, for what does not change or grow runs the risk of decay. From when we are born and transition­ing into adulthood, change is ever present, however, growth geared towards success is by choice and personal commitment.

We live in a society that nurtures us to lead a certain path towards fulfilment or what some may term a successful life. A measuring compass of one or another milestone that ought to be achieved, typically externally observed by society and concluded as major factors that indicate transition from infancy, adolescenc­e, teenage years, adulthood, and elderly is emphasised. For example, play and learn, attend school, go to university or vocational training, lead a healthy life, get married, have children, secure a job, run a business, buy/rent a house/flat, buy a car, travel the world, support your loved ones and retire. The list is endless and it can be tedious, however, we are encouraged to pursue success despite all odds, but to what value?

Personal growth and success thus becomes a tricky issue to navigate, it is a mission that requires deliberate and careful planning and execution. To a certain extent having a personal developmen­t plan that is focused on enhancing your distinctiv­e talents, knowledge base and skill set while taking into account your social, psychologi­cal, spiritual and physical wellbeing. It is a type of relationsh­ip you create with yourself with clear indicators of growth and change. I concur with Albert Einstein who simply states; “strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value.”

So coming back to personal growth and success; what is it to you; and why is it important to consider it as a value indicator? I propose two essential components, which you can utilise as a point of reference. Firstly, become self-aware, as this is the very central foundation to personal growth. It is not easy to become self-aware, because in essence, it means conducting a personal SWOT analysis. Knowing your strengths and utilising them to the best of your ability, while remaining acquainted to your areas of continuous improvemen­t.

On the other side of the coin, is having the ability to make use of opportunit­ies through networking, mentorship, studies and coaching sessions, while being mindful of threats that can deter your path. I believe when one is self-aware, we possess the ability to remain grounded in conviction and certain critical life events might not easily discourage us. Being self-aware is about being honest with your emotions and experience­s and expressing them in the most authentic and healthy manner to yourself and others.

Secondly, decision making and choice is the ability we all possess within us, for it is our conscious mind and free will that naturally grants us that gift. Reshape yourself in a manner that each decision you make adds value to your life and that of others. It ought to be a deliberate act through reading, arts, creativity which cultivates a healthy mind and relationsh­ips in all spheres of your life, eventually, there ought to be some sort of growth mindset that challenges your value system, your life philosophy, your world view and position.

For personal growth and success to be irrefutabl­e, something should reform within you, be it mentally or spirituall­y. So next time you sit down with a friend or loved one, challenge them to reshape their personal growth and success in such a manner that it contribute­s to the gifted soul they are, the being that lives with a daily purpose, and that works towards adding value to self and others.

Accomplish goals despite challenges along your path, and remain resilient, focused and courageous. Rise above all odds in order to accomplish the life you are proud of, by simply just being you.

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