New Era

Geingob speaks of great Kameeta influence

- - Nampa

PRESIDENT Hage Geingob said Bishop Emeritus Zephania Kameeta greatly influenced his understand­ing of what leadership is when they met for the first time at the United Nations Institute of Namibia (UNIN) in Lusaka, Zambia.

Geingob made these remarks at the Ecumenical Service in the Hardap region on Saturday, which was celebratin­g the servanthoo­d leadership of Bishop Emeritus Kameeta, under the designatio­n of Servititus Excellenti­a.

His remarks were delivered on his behalf by Vice President Nangolo Mbumba.

“I met Kameeta for the first time in exile in the 1970s when he came to Lusaka, Zambia, at the UNIN, which I was heading as the director,” he said.

Geingob said he had heard a lot about Kameeta before their first meeting – that he is a revolution­ary pastor, who was also a comrade, preaching liberation theology as part of his advocacy for Namibia’s emancipati­on from South Africa’s colonial domination.

From back then until today, according to the Head of State, Kameeta believed God never created man to oppress his fellow men, and that all men were made in the image of God and endowed with the right to enjoy freedom, liberty, justice and equality.

“I was happy to meet him in person. When I introduced him to the UNIN students, he addressed with a statement I could never forget to this day. That statement greatly influenced my understand­ing of leadership,” Geingob said.

According to him, Kameeta said leadership is not like wearing a necklace around one’s neck, but that it comes with responsibi­lities.

“What I learned from that statement is that leadership is not a thing to show off with or to go around boasting about. It requires humility, transparen­cy and accountabi­lity to gain the trust of those whom you are leading,” the president noted further.

He said he now reminds others when they assume leadership positions about this golden lesson Kameeta expressed decades ago.

Geingob further lauded Kameeta for his support during the 2017 Swapo Party Congress, where the former contested as one of the presidenti­al candidates.

Geingob said he appointed Kameeta as the Minister of Poverty Eradicatio­n and Social Welfare because of his selfless personalit­y, among other qualities.

 ?? Photo: Nampa Bishop Emeritus Zephania Kameeta. ?? Impactful….
Photo: Nampa Bishop Emeritus Zephania Kameeta. Impactful….

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