Australian Women’s Weekly NZ

Home hints

Georgina Bitcon shares helpful problem solvers, including tips on easing puffy eyes, demisting mirrors and soothing insect bites.



Q How can I remove dried acrylic from a painted wooden table without having to repaint it? L . Paget

Dampen a cloth with methylated spirits or acetone and press it over the acrylic paint splash for a few minutes to soften the paint. Very gently and carefully, rub the mark, turning cloth to a clean spot repeatedly, and checking to see the colour being removed is not the base paint. Eventually, the splashed paint will lift.

The thing for stings

Control the inflammati­on caused by mosquito, ant and other insect bites by wetting your skin and rubbing an aspirin over the spot.

Bags of beach fun

Take small plastic toys to the beach in a mesh laundry bag. It’s easy to pack and carry and the sand can be washed out while the toys are still in the bag.

Foot freshener

If you suffer from hot, smelly feet in summer, soak them for 15 minutes in a solution of 1 cup antiseptic mouthwash (any kind), 1 cup white vinegar and 2 cups warm water.

An egg-cellent idea

After you boil an egg, don’t throw away the eggshells or the cooking water. Use cooled egg water for African violets and dig ground eggshells in around tomatoes, eggplants, capsicum and roses.

Cream on ice

Instead of wasting it, freeze leftover cream in ice cube trays, and transfer to zip-up bags. Pop a couple of cubes into casseroles, soups or pasta sauces.

Hit the mist

Keep bathroom mirrors or your car windscreen mist-free for months by smearing the glass with dishwashin­g detergent, then rubbing with a clean cloth until it is completely clear and dry.

The eyes have it

Reduce puffiness and dark circles under eyes by chilling two used green teabags, then resting with them on your eyelids for 15 minutes. Repeat daily.

Handy peg pot

Use an empty plastic hanging garden pot to store your clothes pegs. It hangs easily on the line and already has holes at the bottom so water can drain out.

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