Australian Women’s Weekly NZ

Find A Word


We’ve hidden a collection of names from Greek and Roman mythology in the grid above. They can be spelt across, down, diagonally, backwards or forwards, but are always in a straight line. When you have found all the words listed below, you should have nine letters left over and these spell the mystery answer. Solution in next month’s issue. APOLLO ARES ARTEMIS ASCLEPIUS BACCHUS CALLIOPE CERES CHRONOS CLIO CUPID CYBELE DEMETER DIANA DIONYSUS ERATO EROS FORTUNA HEBE HECATE HEPHAESTUS HERA HESTIA HYPNOS JUPITER LUCINA LUNA MERCURY MINERVA NEMESIS NEPTUNE OCEANUS PAN PERSEPHONE POSEIDON SELENE TERPSICHOR­E TYCHE

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