Australian Women’s Weekly NZ

Apple tarte tatin



5 small (750g) Granny Smith apples juice of 1 lemon 1/2 cup (110g) caster sugar 375g butter puff pastry 20g unsalted butter, chopped whipped cream, to serve

1 Preheat oven to 220°C ( 200°C fan-forced). 2 Peel apples, cut into quarters. Remove cores (cutting each quarter at the core so it has a “flat” side) and toss in a large bowl with the lemon juice and 1 tablespoon of the sugar. 3 Using a medium, ovenproof frying pan as a guide (20cm base measure, 26cm top measure), roll the pastry into a round slightly larger than the top of the pan. Prick pastry with a fork. 4 To make caramel, melt butter in the frying pan over medium-high heat. Sprinkle remaining sugar over base. Cook over medium-low heat, shaking pan occasional­ly to spread around any dark spots until caramel forms. It should be dark golden brown. 5 Arrange apples and any juice in pan, rounded side down. Cut remaining apple to fill gaps. Cook over medium heat for about 10 minutes until caramel is bubbling, shaking to prevent burnt spots. 6 Lay pastry over apples, tucking around edges of pan. Place pan in oven, cook for about 25 minutes, or until the puff pastry has risen and is dark golden in colour. The pastry should be dry and flaky. 7 Stand in pan for 10 minutes before carefully inverting onto a serving plate. Serve warm, with cream. Not suitable to freeze or microwave.

 ??  ?? BELOW, CENTRE: Julie with her husband, Mick, at the Château d’Agassac.
BELOW, CENTRE: Julie with her husband, Mick, at the Château d’Agassac.

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