Australian Women’s Weekly NZ



When you complete the crossword, the letters on the shaded squares, reading left to right, top to bottom, will spell the mystery word. Solution in next month’s issue.


1. Book and movie, – at Hanging Rock 4. Cows and bulls 9. Liqueur, – Maria 10. Slimmest, the – chance 12. Group of games in tennis 13. LA, – Angeles 14. Space traveller 17. Flashlight 18. Dentures, false – 22. Entry cost, – fee 24. Type of rodent 25. Daphne du Maurier novel, Jamaica – 26. Relying, – on 29. Suitable, fitting 30. Much-married English king, Henry the – 31. Greek capital


1. Colourful flower parts 2. School learning space 3. Examples, occurrence­s 5. Fire residue 6. Marry, – the knot 7. Property dealer, real – agent 8. Elevates 11. Heavy weight 15. From dusk to dawn, camp – 16. Every other, – weeks, eg 19. Horse-riding seat 20. Fearful, faint-hearted 21. Existing situation, – quo 23. Frozen water 27. Clotheslin­e clip 28. Almond or pecan

 ??  ??

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