Bay of Plenty Times

Fall of NZ currency not all bad news

Despite rising prices we may now be near the sweet spot

- Mark Lister

The other week I had a client ask what the optimum level for the NZ dollar was. He owns an export business, so I knew the answer he was angling for — the lower the better.

Indeed, many parts of our economy benefit from a weaker currency. However, it’s more complicate­d than that, as we also purchase a lot of goods, services and raw materials from overseas.

The currency has been kind to exporters lately. On a trade-weighted basis, it’s down more than 8 per cent from its 2021 highs, despite being some 5 per cent above its 25-year average.

The biggest fall has come against the US dollar. We’re down 10 per cent this year, and 17.2 per cent below last year’s peak, having fallen from US$0.74 in early 2021 to US$0.62 today.

That’s been a healthy tailwind for the export sector, making us more competitiv­e and pushing up the local price of our goods. It’s one reason this season’s Fonterra payout will be the highest ever, despite a volatile ride for global dairy prices.

Investors have also benefited from the weaker currency. The MSCI All Country World Share Index has fallen 15.2 per cent in the past 12 months, but when the lower NZ dollar is accounted for, this moderates to a much more modest 4.4 per cent fall.

It’s not all good news though. While exporters and share investors have been helped by a weaker currency, consumers and borrowers haven’t.

A weaker NZ dollar leads to higher prices for imported goods. This includes fuel, raw materials and everything else we source from offshore.

This came through loud and clear in Monday’s inflation report. The headline inflation rate of 7.3 per cent was the highest since 1990, while the tradables component (which essentiall­y measures imported inflation) was even stronger with an 8.7 per cent increase.

A lower NZ dollar is contributi­ng to this higher inflation rate, which means we’re staring down the barrel of more interest rate hikes this year.

In theory, this should all be selfregula­ting. Higher interest rates should push the currency up, improving our buying power overseas and reversing some of that tradables inflation.

Problem is, currency movements are all relative, and many other countries are raising interest rates too.

It’s difficult to predict where the currency is going over the next few years. The NZ dollar is usually tied to risk sentiment, so it’s likely to rebound if the global backdrop improves, or fall further if the outlook darkens.

In contrast, the US dollar tends to strengthen during times of uncertaint­y and lag when the mood is more upbeat. The greenback has benefited from cautious sentiment in 2022, and it’s been strong against all currencies, not just ours.

As investors, these are things to be mindful of, although currency moves shouldn’t drive investment decisions. It’s more important to focus on great businesses with good prospects, wherever they happen to be.

The same goes for businesses, who can do their best to manage currency risks despite having no control over them.

There’s no perfect level for the NZ dollar. Ideally, we want it low enough to keep our exporters competitiv­e, but strong enough to maintain our purchasing power in the global marketplac­e. A weaker currency is a double-edged sword, and we’re arguably somewhere near the sweet spot right now.

Mark Lister is Head of Private Wealth Research at Craigs Investment Partners. The informatio­n in this article is provided for informatio­n only, is intended to be general in nature, and does not take into account your financial situation, objectives, goals, or risk tolerance. Before making any investment decision Craigs Investment Partners recommends you contact an investment adviser.

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 ?? Photo / Getty Images ?? Mark Lister asks, is the lower currency good or bad?
Photo / Getty Images Mark Lister asks, is the lower currency good or bad?

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