Bay of Plenty Times

Pleasure seekers

Consider these treatments if you want to bring the heat back to your bedroom, writes Ashleigh Cometti


IT WOULD BE REMISS of me to write a story about treatments said to promote pleasure without acknowledg­ing the elephant in the room. Rather, nine of them. On June 24, the US Supreme Court overturned Roe v Wade – a decision that made abortion in states with trigger laws in place illegal, rendered women’s bodily autonomy defunct and compromise­d reproducti­ve rights across America.

There’s no denying the widespread impacts of this ruling, and experts predict the ripple effects will include an increase in maternal mortality, abuse, assault, unemployme­nt, the list goes on.

While the ruling took place in the US, the subject remains a global issue, and many women are screaming “f*** the patriarchy” in response. Taking back control of our bodies and the way in which we celebrate our sexuality seems more important now than ever.

So, for those of us who still have the privilege of control over our own sexual wellne● ss but are struggling to get the fire lit, there are treatments available to bring the heat back to the bedroom.

Many factors contribute to a loss of pleasure during sex, in women this includes childbirth and menopause,

which can reduce sensation, lubricatio­n or ability to orgasm, and in men this could be the ability to achieve and maintain an erection during intercours­e. Here, our round-up of four fiery treatments said to reignite the flames once more. The Treatment: O-shot Harnessing the same proprietar­y techniques of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapies, the O-shot is a non-surgical procedure said to reawaken vaginal and clitoral function by heightenin­g sensitivit­y and boosting sex drive. An excellent option for those suffering from stress, urinary incontinen­ce, painful sex or having difficulty becoming aroused or reaching orgasm. Working on a similar principle is the P-shot (or Priapus-shot) said to improve the hardness, sensitivit­y and size of the penis.

Where to try it: As part of its mission to shift the stigma around sexual wellness treatments, The Face Place offers both the O-shot and the P-shot. Pain is minimal, with numbing cream applied near the clitoris and upper vagina before the 60-minute injectable treatment begins.

Results from both treatments can last indefinite­ly, but the team recommends two treatments within the space of six months for best results. Consultati­ons are priced from $250, while the treatment cost is $1800 for the O-shot or $1995 for the P-shot. Thefacepla­

Treatment: Yoni Mapping

Yoni is the Sanskrit word that encapsulat­es female genitalia and the reproducti­ve system as a whole. The practice of yoni massage describes the art of mapping out different regions of the vulva and vagina as a means of determinin­g spots of pleasure, numbness or tension. On a spiritual level, the treatment releases unwanted energies, pushing the reset button to unlock sensuality and fertility.

Where to try it: Somatic sexologist Morgan Penn offers a 2.5-hour session for $400, which includes what she refers to as a therapist-led “mindful vaginal massage”, during which awareness and connection is brought back to the region by naming each part of the yoni. Each session is underpinne­d by safety and consent, to ensure clients feel their most comfortabl­e throughout.

Treatment: Emsella Chair

A non-invasive option for those suffering from incontinen­ce or a weakened pelvic floor, Emsella chairs use HIFEM (Highintens­ity Focused Electro Magnetic Energy) to contract pelvic floor muscles while you remain fully clothed, sitting on the chair. One treatment is said to deliver roughly 110 pelvic floor contractio­ns, rebuilding strength and restoring nerve control to the area.

Where to try it: Skin Institute offers Emsella chair sessions at its Queenstown clinic ($POA), where the treatment remains a popular pick with incontinen­t or postpartum patients, or those suffering from decreased sexual satisfacti­on. A course of six 30-minute treatments spread across two weeks is recommende­d, with maintenanc­e treatments every six to 12 months thereafter. Skininstit­

Treatment: Thermiva

If the thought of having needles anywhere near your vagina makes you nervous, this non-invasive, non-surgical treatment calls for a curved wand that glides easily over the treatment area. The Thermiva wand uses radiofrequ­ency energy to gently heat the tissues of the vagina, with most clients likening the sensation to a warming massage. Particular­ly popular with postpartum clients, the treatment is said to tighten the internal and external areas of the vagina, boost sensitivit­y and ability to orgasm, increase lubricatio­n and reduce stress urinary incontinen­ce.

Where to try it: Thermiva is available at The Face Place, which recommends a course of three treatments spaced one month apart to achieve long-lasting results. An initial consultati­on is priced from $250, with single treatments priced at $1000, or a course of three for $2800.


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