Cambridge Edition

Kokako back on mountain


Hearing the enthrallin­g song of the kokako again on Mt Pirongia is another step closer for Pirongia Te Aroaro o Kahu Restoratio­n Society to achieve its goal.

And with it comes the chance for the public to help them achieve it.

The conservati­on group for Mt Pirongia has gained approval, in principle, for its proposal to reestablis­h this iconic native bird on the maunga.

The last survivors were removed in the 1990s in an effort to safeguard the DNA and now kokako could be released again on Mt Pirongia as early as March.

The Pirongia-lineage kokako are at present on Tiritiri Matangi Island and Kapiti Island and the society has begun iwi consultati­on with a view to allowing a small number of those on Tiritiri Matangi Island to come back to Mt Pirongia.

Kokako from other locations would also be needed to make up the 40 birds which specialist­s consider are the minimum required for a self-sustaining population and permission­s for these are being worked on at present.

The group has put a request out for volunteers to assist the profession­al ecologist who will lead the eventual capture of the kokako from donor sites.

This calls for people being comfortabl­e in the bush in the dark and being available for stints of five days or more.

Likely dates will begin from late March to June.

Around six to eight volunteers over two weeks are needed to help chop and rig sites, then there are up to 28 spaces available to help with the capture itself (although of course volunteers may be interested in doing more than five days).

 ??  ?? A conservati­on group is working to return the kokako to Mt Pirongia.
A conservati­on group is working to return the kokako to Mt Pirongia.

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