Cambridge Edition

Knitter aims to keep our kids warm


Winter is well and truly under way, and children with cold heads are in need of beanies.

Fortunatel­y, Cambridge knitter Brandy Smith is there to help.

Smith published a post in the Cambridge Pay It Forward, Facebook page, offering to knit free beanies for children in need.

‘‘I know that for some families there’s not any money left at the end of the week for those extra things,’’ she said.

She had three families message her privately, and expects more to come through.

‘‘It can be done totally private, I can just drop one in their letterbox, I don’t have to see them.’’

Smith moved to New Zealand 11 years ago from her home of Michigan in the United States.

‘‘Someone will say they're in need of something and the community just does it, they don't ask questions, they just help out and I wanted to do my bit.’’ Brandy Smith

She married a Kiwi bloke, and they lived in Tauranga for a few years before coming to Cambridge.

‘‘When I found out we were moving here, I threw my toys out of the cot because I loved Tauranga and I did not want to move, but now that I’m here I absolutely love Cambridge,’’ she said.

‘‘It’s just so friendly and quaint, and that pay it forward page is just so great.

‘‘Someone will say they’re in need of something and the community just does it, they don’t ask questions, they just help out and I wanted to do my bit.’’

She had only been knitting for two years, taking it up after watching her neighbour knit creation after creation.

She started by knitting hats for her grandson. She was currently working on a Minion one, and had made him a Spiderman one in the past.

‘‘I didn’t think it looked very good but he loved it,’’ she laughed.

She said knitting beanies for children didn’t feel like a big deal, but that it was something small she could do to help out.

‘‘I’ve also made a blanket for a lady at work with a new born, and now I have to make four more blankets for other people,’’ she laughed.

Parents wanting a beanie for their children can contact Smith over Facebook.

 ?? EMMA JAMES ?? Brandy Smith of Cambridge is knitting free beanies for children feeling chilly this winter.
EMMA JAMES Brandy Smith of Cambridge is knitting free beanies for children feeling chilly this winter.
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