Cambridge Edition

Art groups exhibit


Many painting groups form, and sometimes dissolve, and every group has its own way of managing to keep its members honing their skills and being prepared to exhibit when such opportunit­ies are offered.

Two well-known Waikato groups, ArtVenture and Artnexus, are filling the spaces at the Wallace Gallery in Morrinsvil­le in July. Both originally formed from people who attended Pam Watson’s long-running evening classes at Hillcrest High School.

Artnexus has now been together for 17 years, exhibiting regularly around the Waikato and in Auckland.

The new show, entitled, Seventeen Artists, Seventeen Years, Artnexus’ 17th annual exhibition, now has several multi-talented members who not only paint, but sculpt and work in glass as well.

Their show contains stunning examples of these skills, as well as their varied styles and sizes of painted works.

This will be the third time that the two groups have been able to exhibit in adjoining spaces at different galleries, and another joint effort has already been negotiated for August/September 2018 at ArtsPost in Hamilton.

The groups are now well known around the Waikato and their shows draw good crowds every time.

Artnexus has its own website,, where member exhibition­s are changed monthly.

They have several times generously asked ArtVenture to fill a monthly slot, which broadens the interest in both among the art world around New Zealand.

Artnexus members all paint in their individual homes and studios, but meet once a month for a shared meal, a catchup on progress, and a planning session for their next joint effort. ArtVenture meet each week to paint together.

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