Central Leader

Regular exercise without injury!


If you started 2013 on a fitness binge you may be feeling a few aches and pains about now.

To keep your exercise programme on track and to make it through to 2014 in one piece, it may pay to jump online and check out ACC’s ActiveSmar­t website.

ActiveSmar­t provides free, customised training advice for everyone from beginners just getting back into physical activity, to serious multisport and marathon competitor­s – and it can help you avoid injury in the process.

‘‘Many people who’ve been spending a bit too much time on the couch make the mistake of throwing themselves back into exercise without the right preparatio­n,’’ ACC Pro- gramme Manager – Sport, Isaac Carlson says. ‘‘That can end up backfiring, because if you injure yourself – say because you didn’t warm up properly – you could end up heading straight back to the very couch you’re trying to get away from.’’

Isaac says ActiveSmar­t contains a range of tools and informatio­n, from personally tailored fitness plans to warm-up and cool-down exercises, and even weather forecasts for your area, so you can plan your training around conditions on the day.

‘‘In a way, ActiveSmar­t is like having your own personal, online trainer,’’ Isaac says.

‘‘It asks you a range of questions to find out what level of exercise is right and safe for you. Then it gives you a specific programme to follow, aimed at meeting your individual fitness goals.’’

ActiveSmar­t caters for a range of popular fitness activities, including running, walking and cycling.

‘‘The advice on ActiveSmar­t has been provided by leading New Zealand fitness profession­als,’’ Isaac says. ‘‘So you can be assured you’re getting a training plan that’s up there with the best.’’

 ??  ?? Fitness resolution: You may have decided to get fit in 2013, but the right advice will ensure you also stay injury free and away from that couch you’re trying to avoid.
Fitness resolution: You may have decided to get fit in 2013, but the right advice will ensure you also stay injury free and away from that couch you’re trying to avoid.
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