DEMM Engineering & Manufacturing

Food in a minute

Why the food industry may be shaken up

- By professor Richard Archer

Predicting the future of food technology is not easy. Who could have thought in 2004 that so many kitchens would sport a coffee machine in 2014?

The future of food and the technology that makes it are inextricab­le. In today’s urban world technology maketh the food and the technologi­es to come next depend on what we the consumer want next.

One thing has become clear about modern consumer trends though – they bifurcate, they split, they contradict. More people want convenienc­e, fast preparatio­n time; but those same people are spending more time in the weekend at “real” cooking.

More people want food that is healthy, high fibre and good for you; but those same people are driving higher sales in gourmet ice-cream, coffee and chocolate.

And trends fool you. More voices are raised against sugary soft drinks, but colas have been in near-terminal decline for a decade. We see coffee and energy drink consumptio­n rising yet the total consumptio­n of caffeine is in decline.

We worry about processed foods and long lists of E-numbers but for 10 years new supermarke­t product listings in the United States have been dominated by cleaner labels, lighter this, less that and free of the other.

The industry has pulled huge amounts of salt and sugar out of food but under-the-radar they are fearful that consumers will see “low-salt” or “reduced sugar” as meaning “reduced f lavour”. But at the same time the confection­ery aisles are getting larger. Our most trusted brands are confection­ery brands. Healthy food offerings are there and growing so why do we put so much sugar and fat in our trolleys?

The biggest single driver in the future is population. There will be billions more people on the planet in a generation or two. And they will largely be living in cities, so their food will need to be preserved and transporte­d to them – it will be processed.

Animal protein, so inefficien­t to produce, will be expensive as agricultur­al land and water get scarce. Places such as New Zealand, if we are smart, won’t be selling bulk dairy and meat protein but the means by which others can extend their vegetable proteins. We will sell them nutrition and f lavour and binding properties.

I hope that in 25 years’ time we don’t sell just red meat but ‘New World Meats’ in just the way we developed a whole industry around “New World Wines” (wines produced outside the traditiona­l wine-growing areas of Europe and Middle East).

It will take a group of people like today’s winemakers to foment this revolution. Our New World Meats would have the f lavour intensity and textures of French charcuteri­e, Iberian or Parma ham, Bulgarian salami, German wurst but be lower in sodium and nitrite. It will use new technologi­es and great ‘NZ Inc’ marketing – just like we did with wine.

New World Meats will be celebratio­ns of New Zealand, meat grown in park-like farms and forests, processed in modern factories yet with an artisan image. Tomorrow’s healthy diner will have smaller amounts of red meat but more richly f lavoured by mixtures of oldfashion­ed fermentati­on and modern treatments. Kiwis will become connoisseu­rs of preserved meats loved across Asia.

But don’t expect to see test-tube grown steaks any time soon. Large scale cell culture still needs vatloads of growth factors and hormones many of which only come from killing animals. Until a large synthetic growth factor industry grows to support pharmaceut­ics I can’t see muscle tissue culture for food being more than expensive novelty for the rich.

And will we see 3D food printing in our kitchens? One day inevitably yes – no technology as simple and ubiquitous as 3D printing escapes being recruited to food manufactur­e. This one is perfectly suited to the home kitchen.

But the secret: don’t expect inside 100 years that you can make a good analogue of a familiar food. Instead, the printer will make foods that don’t exist yet, that don’t have names yet. And it will make food that you design, conceive, name and perhaps sell.

So here are some of my prediction­s for food technology:

More of our food will be processed but the processing will be gentler with fewer ingredient­s.

More ready-to-eat, factorypre­pared meals, some shipped round the world for institutio­nal meals. New Zealand will have 5% of the world market using robotic assembly in near sterile rooms.

More plant protein will be used to simulate the meats we love but with meat used to round out nutrition and provide f lavour. We have the technologi­es half developed already.

Insects and algae industrial­ly-grown on waste streams as food for fish and chicken.

Technologi­es to make non-calorific ingredient­s to reduce the fattening power of foods for the rich.

Technologi­es to encapsulat­e, coat, protect and ultimately release valuable nutrients and bioactive food compounds.

More of our industrial ingredient­s will be unrefined, complex, and richer in micronutri­ent but this will take serious food science and technology to regain the predictabi­lity that refined ingredient­s give us today. Professor Richard Archer is head of Massey University’s Institute of Food, Nutrition

and Human Health and will be speaking on these prediction­s at a symposium celebratin­g Massey’s 50th year of food technology

education on June 30.

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 ??  ?? Professor Richard Archer predicts people will one day print their food, but not in our lifetime, and it won’t look like the food we eat today.
Professor Richard Archer predicts people will one day print their food, but not in our lifetime, and it won’t look like the food we eat today.

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