DEMM Engineering & Manufacturing

Six transforma­tive technologi­es impacting industrial manufactur­ing


What are the top technologi­es industrial visionarie­s need to be aware of now and, more importantl­y, why and how will those technologi­es impact their industry?

To answer that important question, ABI Research, a market foresight advisory firm providing strategic guidance on the most compelling transforma­tive technologi­es, identified six technologi­es, along with big-picture questions and answers, to help guide senior industrial leaders to make key transforma­tive technology decisions.

The end result is a six-page research deliverabl­e, “The Top Questions & Answers for Industrial Innovators: Six 1-Minute Transforma­tive Technology Reads”. The six technologi­es impacting the industrial manufactur­ing market and a sampling of the pertinent questions are:

• Artificial Intelligen­ce: What is the most suitable implementa­tion of AI for industrial companies? Full edge implementa­tion (e.g., both training and inference on-premise)? Cloud AI? Hybrid implementa­tion (inference on edge and training at the cloud)?

• Blockchain: What is the advantage of implementi­ng blockchain in a manufactur­ing supply chain? Won’t blockchain put some middlemen out of business?

• Cybersecur­ity: How do you protect your operationa­l technologi­es in your corporate cybersecur­ity strategy? Are there post-market secure service opportunit­ies or new business cases (such as lifecycle device management) that could create better customer stickiness with products?

• IoT: Can a single connectivi­ty technology address all industrial IoT (Internet of Things) applicatio­ns? If edge computing can solve so many problems, how do workforces benefit from the cloud?

• Robotics: When is the right time to adopt a collaborat­ive robot? How do you implement Robotics-as-Service to shift from CAPEX to OPEX?

• Wireless Connectivi­ty: Why should you look beyond Ethernet to wireless connectivi­ty in installati­ons? What should you be concerned about when looking at wireless connectivi­ty solutions in your operations?

Read the research HERE

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