Feilding-Rangitikei Herald



Across 1. Lowest point (5) 4. Request (3,3) 9. Cheat (7) 10/11. Insects introduced to New Zealand in 1839 by an English settler (5,4) 12. Do away with (7) 13. Attempt (3) 14. Food store (abbr) (4) 16. Sandra __: Silver Fern player (1985-95) and captain (94-95) (4) 18. $UPHG FRQÀLFW 20. &UHDWXUH ¿UVW IDUPHG LQ NZ in the 1880s (7) 21. Naked (4) 24. Wild dog (5) 25. Shining (7) 26. In one piece (6) 27. Corridor (5) Down 1. Otago town which holds DQ LFH IHVWLYDO 2. $ WHH VKRW LQ JROI 3. Discourteo­us (4) 5. Beer glass (8) 6. Discoverin­g (7) 7. Tempo (6) 8. Pass on (5) 13. Go sightseein­g or take a roundabout route (colloq) (4,4) 15. 'HIXQFW 17. First NZ artist whose ZRUN VROG IRU PRUH WKDQ P (6) 18. House (Maori) (5) 19. Middle (6) 22. Accumulate (5) 23. Notion (4)

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