Feilding-Rangitikei Herald



I support the Manawatu District Council’s proposal to close the bird aviaries at Kowhai Park.

Our social acceptance of keeping birds in aviaries provides another clear example of generation­al thinking.

Rather than acknowledg­ing the obvious cruelty of keeping a living being destined to fly free in the sky, confined in a cage, we have been conditione­d to think that this practice is acceptable.

Clearly, condemning such intelligen­t creatures to a boring and monotonous life in a cage is totally unjustifia­ble.

For our own kind, being caged equates to imprisonme­nt. It is no different for any other species that shares this world with us.

Caged birds often exhibit destructiv­e abnormal behaviours, and it’s not surprising when natural behaviours such as flying, choosing a mate, belonging to a flock, building nests and dust bathing are denied to them.

In the wild, birds such as the kereru and the tui can fly up to 45 kilometres per day. However, in an aviary they can barely stretch their wings.

It is my understand­ing very few people are capable of caring for the special needs of exotic or native birds or can comprehend the seriousnes­s of the commitment for the birds’ lifespan.

The Manawatu Disrict Council has the opportunit­y now to free the birds caged at Kowhai Park and introduce more native trees to the area to attract the birds back to the park in their natural environmen­t.

It is also easy for any person to make a bird feeder and have it on their own property and encourage the the birds to feed.

The council should not be in the business of setting up bird aviaries.

The people who want to see birds enclosed in wire cages are probably still keen on going to see a circus with caged lions and elephants tethered by steel chains.

I challenge anyone to say that keeping native and exotic birds is not cruel and spending thousands of dollars on an unreasonab­le project is warranted.

Gary Barnett, Feilding (Abridged)

 ??  ?? Kowhai Park’s exotic aviary is set to stay.
Kowhai Park’s exotic aviary is set to stay.

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