Go Gardening

Healthy eating

Naturopath Meryn Wakelin explains how eating raw plant food has remarkable consequenc­es to our health and wellbeing.


How to eat raw

The vegetable garden is home sweet home for our health. It’s the perfect stomping and chomping ground to provide us with the most vitally important foods in their natural raw state

Raw vegetables, fruit, nuts and seeds are loaded with vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids. They also contain enzymes, which are essential for a healthy digestive function. Unfortunat­ely these crucial compounds are all but destroyed once they’re heated above 42°C. While beneficial minerals and fibre remain after cooking, precious vitamins, fatty acids and enzymes do not.

Raw food gives our body its ideal nutrition. So the more raw food we eat the more we begin to feel balanced, energetic and in better overall health. Conversely, not getting enough of these vital nutrients is what brings on cravings and poor food choices. When your diet consists of 50% or more raw foods you will have: • Better digestion • More vital energy • Less need for sleep • Weight loss • Clear glowing skin • Clarity of mind • Better memory • Improved immune system • Improved fertility • Prevention/remission of conditions such as diabetes and cardiovasc­ular disease

To get the utmost best from your food three golden rules apply: uncooked (not heated beyond 42°C), unprocesse­d (whole and fresh, frozen is ok), and organic.

Michael Pollan, author of the wonderful book “In Defence of Food: an Eaters Manifesto” famously wrote, “Eat real food. Not too much. Mostly plants”. I would say more specifical­ly “Mostly raw plants”.

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