Go Gardening



1. Line a seed tray with a piece of fabric, such as an old tea towel. This will make it easy to lift your grass out of the tray when you are ready to make your hobbit house. 2. Fill the tray with Black Magic seed raising mix. 3. Put your tray in a sink with a few cm of water and let the potting mix soak it up from the bottom, or water gently using a watering can. Leave it to drain for 10 minutes. 4. Sow your lawn seed quite thickly. 5. Now you need to be patient. Keep the seed raising mix evenly moist as your grass grows. 6. When it reaches 5-6cm tall, give it a hair cut. This will make it grow thicker. About three weeks after sowing you should have a nice thick carpet of grass to make your hobbit hole.

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