Waikato Herald

Independen­t and experience­d commission­ers


Waikato Regional Council director of science and strategy Waikato Regional Council is calling for registrati­ons of interest for five independen­t commission­ers to sit on a panel to hear submission­s on Healthy Rivers/Wai Ora: Proposed Waikato Regional Plan Change 1.

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“We understand the level of interest and the importance of the proposed plan to our community and we are seeking highly experience­d and independen­t commission­ers,” said Waikato Regional Council director of science and strategy Tracey May.

The selection process requires advanced experience working with the Resource Management Act 1991 and an understand­ing of the legislatio­n that underpins the direction setting document for the management of the Waikato and Waipa river catchments, Te Ture Whaimana o Te Awa oWaikato (The Vision and Strategy for the Waikato and Waipa¯ Rivers), as well as the National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management (2014). A knowledge of the Waikato and Waipa¯ river catchments is also considered advantageo­us.

The five selected will be recommende­d by a subgroup of Te Ropu Haatu, the Healthy Rivers/Wai Ora steering group. This subgroup will include two Waikato Regional Council directors, two iwi managers and one representa­tive from the Waikato River Authority.

Recommenda­tions for the appointmen­t of the five commission­ers will then be made to the Healthy Rivers Wai Ora Committee and the on to the full council for considerat­ion.

More than 1000 submission­s on the proposed plan change are currently being summarised. Summaries are expected to be available mid-year. Hearings are due to commence in early 2018 with Commission­ers giving their recommenda­tions in mid-2018.

We understand the level of interest and the importance of the proposed plan to our community and we are seeking highly experience­d and independen­t commission­ers. TRACEY MAY

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