Hamilton Press

Sound advice to help heal your woes


If you’re looking for a different type of healing method, you might like the sound of what Maureen McKain has to offer.

Sound healing is derived from a combinatio­n of contemplat­ive, meditative, and spiritual practices and is said to have positive therapeuti­c effects, physically, emotionall­y and spirituall­y.

McKain is a gong master and sound healer living in Hamilton.

She has been playing the instrument for nine years and holds sound healing concerts, with one coming up on January 29.

For A Sonic Symphony of Sound, the listener will be taken on a journey immersed in the sound tones of the symphonic gong, himalayan healing bowls, tibetan singing bowls, pipe dreams, sansula, rain sticks, drums and the swarsangam.

McKain said the sounds restore, rejuvenate and nourish all systems of the body inducing deep relaxation and an expanded sense of awareness.

‘‘The gong is the ultimate sound healing tool as it has the broadest range of tones of any instrument when played sensitivel­y,’’ she said.

‘‘This vast range of sound bathes the human form and retunes us on every level: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual, thus bringing us back into harmony.’’

She trained with Don Conreaux, a grand gong master from New York and calls the gong

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