Hamilton Press

Waikato med school has West Coast support


‘‘We just need to be given a chance.’’

A region known for its battling spirit is backing Waikato’s fight for a medical school.

The Waikato bid aims to meet the healthcare needs of people outside the main centres – a focus which resonates with West Coast leaders.

Grey District Mayor Tony Kokshoorn said improving healthcare services was the number one priority for many provincial mayors.

The nationwide shortage of rural GPs is especially evident on the West Coast, Kokshoorn said.

‘‘It’s very hard to get doctors to work here and when you don’t have good healthcare services, there’s no incentive for people to stay in our towns,’’ he said.

Kokshoorn said if the Waikato bid delivered on its intention to address the GP shortage in rural and provincial areas, it would be a boost to heartland New Zealand.

‘‘The Government needs to focus on the needs of provincial New Zealand in the future. We just need to be given a chance.’’

The Waikato bid is driven by two major Waikato players – the university and the district health board – and has already won the full support of Waikato and Bay of Plenty mayors. The aim is to steer students towards general practice or another specialty the country is short of, such as psychiatry and geriatrics.

Prime Minister Bill English has declined to say whether the Government will make a call on the proposal before the September 23 election.

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