Hawke's Bay Today

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● Why is it that at nearly every social event in New Zealand there has to be alcohol included? Can we not enjoy ourselves without it? A sorry state of affairs.

● How ridiculous this fuss over a school wanting to raise funds by selling a few drinks. Grow up, people, it's a school function, not a drug-fuelled rave. Nanny state’s gone over the top again. MCW

● Come on, Port Ahuriri School. Please, no liquor. Make a seating area and sell Devonshire teas. Senior pupils and helpers can bake scones. Jam and cream on top. Surely a money spinner. DS

● So the anti-booze brigade crush a school fundraiser. Wouldn't you think there is enough for the DHB and council to do without this nitpicking? Watch out, everyone, here come the DHB and council with nothing better to do.

● The Hawke’s Bay Today editorial misses the point. The DHB is against drinking in front of young children at the school, not moderate drinking itself. Alcohol is a harmful drug. Stop trying to normalise it for kids.

● I read with disbelief of the Cape Kidnappers name change. These people are rewriting our history. It’s a disgrace. Our forefather pioneers are being forgotten.

● Ma¯ori Language Week should be extended to a month (like NZ Music Month). It's been great!

● Rather inappropri­ate remark from the member for Napier to refer to an air traffic control officer as a clown, particular­ly when he knew nothing about the circumstan­ces. I hope he uses better judgment in his role as a minister of the Crown.

● With the rising sea levels, is there really any sense in spending so many millions on the aquarium? Look at how far in the waves went last week.

● Sexism, racism, balony. Serena Williams’ boorish behaviour erupted because she was being thoroughly beaten by Osaka. End of story.

● Well written, John Thompson, re the Napier Port expansion. I totally agree. Our elected leaders need to earn their keep on this project. DEO

● Re the cost of doctors’ visits: I get $586 per fortnight, so $60 is huge to me.

Thank you for texting in your views. Please note that owing to the anonymous nature of texts we will not publish unfair personal attacks in this column. — Ed

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