Herald on Sunday



Object of desire

Unless you’re a seasoned outdoorsy type, most of the gadgets on a multi-function knife never see the light of day. But you won’t find any Bear Grylls-style extras on the Victorinox Spartan knife. This compact outdoor companion features only the essentials, including a corkscrew, tweezers and can opener. Macpac.co.nz

Monumental birthday

America’s iconic Mt Rushmore turns 75 this year, and history buffs are planning a shindig to celebrate the monument. The sculpture, carved into one side of the Black Hills in South Dakota, features the faces of past presidents George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln and Theodore Roosevelt, and was created by a team of 400 carvers.

Traffic ban

With traffic congestion causing problems, Barcelona is looking to ban cars from more than half of its streets. The plan involves building a network of cycle lanes, sprucing up existing bus lanes, and cordoning off sections of the city’s grid layout to vehicles. The Spanish city routinely fails EU standards for air quality so it is hoped the traffic ban will reduce pollution, too.

Toilet trouble

Iceland’s natural beauty attracts visitors in droves, but the country’s dire lack of public loos is reportedly becoming a bugbear for travellers. A chorus of complaints has led a local council to plan for 60 new toilets at a range of tourist hot-spots, and a lobby group is asking the government to stump up the funds for the much-needed project.

Adventures on Instagram

Hotel heiress Paris Hilton whiled away the hours in a beachside hammock during a recent holiday to Careyes, Mexico. The pic is part of a jealousy-inducing series of snaps that feature sparkling sunsets, sandy beaches and luxurious swimming pools.

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Share your travel Instagram with us and add #nzhtravel and once a month we’ll pick the best and publish it here, in Sunday Travel.
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