Herald on Sunday

Alert you can’t ignore

Latest tool to warn of civil defence emergency sends mobiles a message.

- By Matthew Theunissen

If you hear a shrill ringing coming from your cellphone, it could be time to head for the hills as the Government launches a new mobile emergency system.

The channel will send an emergency alert message to cellphones in areas of impending danger, as well as a sound that can’t be ignored.

Minister of Civil Defence Kris Faafoi said it would start with a live nationwide test on November 26.

“By running this test and asking people to be aware of the alerts, we are able to test our systems, the cell towers and your phone’s ability to receive an emergency mobile alert.

“This is a test for now but when emergencie­s happen this is another tool we can use to keep everyone in our community safe.”

Not all phones were capable of receiving alerts so the minister urged people to inform their neighbours, friends, whanau and colleagues if they receive one.

The system involves the country’s three major telcos Spark, Vodafone and 2degrees. It uses cell broadcasti­ng technology.

Messages could be targeted to cell towers within a specific area so only those potentiall­y at risk would get them. The system was not capable of targeting specific phones.

Phones would have to be in cellphone range and switched on. They could over-ride the “silent” function on some phones.

Civil Defence, police, the Fire Service, the Ministry of Health and the Ministry for Primary Industries all have access to the system.

Faafoi emphasised it was an additional channel to help keep people safe in an emergency and did not replace other alert systems and informatio­n channels, or the need to take action after natural warnings.

“If you feel your life may be in danger, don’t wait for an official warning. Take immediate action.”

In October, unhappy New Zealanders were woken about 1.30am on a Wednesday when a test message for the system was accidental­ly sent by the Europe-based service provider trialling it during their daytime hours.

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